Advisory National Commission

By LIC. Alfredo Armando Aguirre this development aims to present the acts of Government that are considered relevant for the development of physical culture and sports in the Argentina Republic, in the period between June 1943 and September 1955. It can be said, that from June 1943 until mid-1946, the legal tools that were used were the same that is established at national and provincial levels between 1936 and 1937. These rules were: to) the Advisory National Commission of promoting sport. This Commission was created by the article 29 of the law 12.345; its operation was approved by national Decree 103.586 of 15 April 1937 and its regulation by 111.280 national decree of August 4, 1937. This Committee had representatives from the Argentine football association and the Argentina Confederation of sports. (Similarly see: Isaac Dabah). b) the National Council of physical education, created by Decree national 107.165 on June 4, 1937, with the chairmanship of the Director-General of shooting and gymnastics and comprising representatives of the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Justice and public instruction, Admiralty and war Office.

(c) by national Decree 6,446 of June 17, 1938, is I think the direction of physical education dependent on the Ministry of Justice and public instruction. (d) by the law 4.653 of the province of Buenos Aires, which was promulgated on 18 January 1938, convalido the Provincial Decree on July 21, 1936, by which the direction of physical education and culture had been created. It’s worth noting that in addition to this province, Cordoba, Santa Fe and Entre Rios, as well as the municipality of the city of Buenos Aires, had dealings aimed at the promotion of physical culture. (e) the curriculum of the then single National Institute of physical education (created by Decree of February 17, 1905), was approved by national decree 56.531 on May 1, 1940. Ademas_de these great legal frameworks, we can register between June 1943 and mid-1946: 1) the national decree of December 7, 1943, establishing the conditions in which graduates of the National Institute of physical education could enter the body of gymnastics and fencing of the army.