New Agreement

In the previous article, we speak, in general lines, on the New Agreement and develop some ortogrficas perspectives how much to the use of some letters. We also mark point in the learning of ' ' S' ' of ' ' Z' ' of the words. Today, we will write a little on the referring change to hifens. At a first moment, we observe a fact in relation to the change of hfens, when considering the didactic-metodolgica information, therefore ' ' dzia&#039 changed six for stocking; ': before, the rule was not very well understood; now, the New ortogrfico Agreement, the difficulty for many people still seems to exist. This discloses in them, on the other hand, an interesting advantage: all we are worried in understanding as the new rule of hfens functions! For this challenge, we again consider the coherence of our proposal that consists of studying the concepts of the grammar with criterion; the rule of hifens cannot be, thus, so complicated; e, in fact, the new agreement simplified a little more the previous rule. We can until saying that it facilitated more the setting of hifens in the words.

Let us start then with a strategical clarification: the composed words that possuam hyphen, those that already kept its phonetic independence (sound) and of felt (meant), as ' ' it keeps-roupa' ' , ' ' foot-of-moleque' ' , ' ' door-retrato' ' etc, will continue with the hyphen. Words that had lost, in its structure also exist, the notion of phonetic autonomy and direction, forming only one vocbulo without this ' ' ponte' ' of linking, that is the hyphen. Illustrating: ' ' planalto' ' , ' ' aguardente' ' , ' ' girassol' '. Now, in the New Agreement, they had been inserted, although the controversy, the words ' ' mandachuva' ' ' ' paraquedas' ' , for example.