North African Television

" They do not fear to the unfaithful ones. They release Tripoli. That all the people leave and advance towards Tripoli. Street by street and combatan&quot fight; , then Gadafi in a message of audio said also relayed by the international channel of Syria television RAI. " Todo&quot has already finished; On the other hand, the minister of Outer Subjects Libyan under the regime of Gadafi, Abdelati to the Obeidi, assured east Thursday to have given of voluntary form to the rebels near Tripoli and advised to the forces that follow loyal Gadafi which they lay down the arms.

In an interview with the channel To the Jazeera English, the old j of the gadafista diplomacy explained that it was put in contact with " present autoridades" the past night to request protection to them, in front of the version of the CNT of which it had been captured. " I came by own will, nobody has brought to me by fuerza" , it indicated who also carried out the positions of prime minister and j of State of the North African country. To the Obeidi it emphasized that it has been tried well at any moment by the rebels, and who, instead of being shut in a cell, have been placed him in a room with sofas and a television. " Until the moment, everything bien" , it indicated To the Obeidi to the correspondent of the catar television. The holder of Outer Subjects considered that " todo&quot has already finished; , reason why the gadafistas forces " they would have to resign to the violence to avoid more spilling of sangre". Source of the news: Gadafi, to its faithfuls: " We will not surrender, we are not women, we will follow luchando"