General Assembly

publishedtelesurtv.NET/news tells us, that after the massacre of Sharpeville, Nelson Mandela begins armed resistance calling on lifting arms, announcing the formation of the command Spear of the nation. Nelson Mandela, before being elected President of South Africa, was an important activist against the system of segregation imposed by the Dutch colonies, imprisoned for 27 years. Apartheid was a system of segregation in South Africa imposed by Dutch settlers as part of a more comprehensive regime of political, economic, social and racial discrimination from the white minority of European origin on the black majority Aboriginal, derived in turn from colonialism.The word apartheid in African means segregation. The Vice-President of South Africa, Kgalema Motlanthe, said this Sunday 21 2010, South Africans commemorate the 50th anniversary of the massacre in the town of Sharpeville, the people of Sharpeville in 1960 not protested by burning libraries or destroying public buildings, they went to the police station without that passes by back then they were required to surrender to the police, in a speech during the commemoration of the Sharpeville massacre. We now live in an era of democracy, and I therefore ask you to use democratic institutions to send us your requests and your complaints, he urged. Since that time, both formations abandoned the traditional strategy of non-violent protest and began an incessant armed struggle. The Sharpeville massacre happened a wave of protests around the world, including the condemnation of the United Nations (UN). Sharpeville marked a turning point in the South African from the postwar history, since during the next 30 years the country would be increasingly isolated from the international community.

The UN declared in 1966, all States should celebrate the international day for the Elimination of Racial discrimination on 21 March each year, urging us to redouble efforts to eliminate all forms of racism. In the place of the massacre he arose a memorial for all those victims, in that distant land for nearly 50 years was stained blood in defence of human rights. In this reminder of the 50 years, the Secretary-General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, expressed: pay tribute to the memory of those who lost their life in Sharpeville and other racist incidents redoubling our efforts to eliminate all forms of racism and racial discrimination. Us to transform good intentions into legal norms and the determination of compliance. Above all, we appreciate the rich diversity of humankind and respect the dignity and equality of all human beings. Proclaiming the day in 1966, the General Assembly urged the international community to redouble its efforts to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination. Since that day the laws and racist practices have been abolished in many countries.


We are made in the image and likeness of God and, therefore, are unique with intelligence, rationality and spirituality. We all have skills and talents that we can develop. We all have an enormous potential within ourselves. That potential is virtually unlimited. Everything that we are able to imagine and visualize can achieve this. Many of the barriers that limit our actions are mental barriers than ourselves, at some point in our lives and sometimes without realizing, we have set out.

These barriers prevent us to develop the enormous potential that we all have. Necessary to eliminate those mental barriers to succeed, be happy and enjoy life to the fullest. Always, remember if you think you can, you can; If you think you can’t, you can’t, everything is in our thoughts and our mental attitude. Anything that you can visualize and wanting to can be yours if you propose it, a goal is set to achieve it and acts according to a specific plan. We must all recognize that there is great abundance in the world. This is a reality, we need to convince ourselves of this; There is great abundance in everything around us and there are also great abundance within ourselves. When we appreciate the nature, we can see abundance and Marvel why.

In the celestial Vault there are millions of stars, many still undiscovered. There are millions of fish of various species in oceans, seas and rivers. The flora and fauna and Earth are composed of millions of species. There are variety of minerals, metals, and hydrocarbons in the earth itself. There’s plenty of oxygen and other gases in the air that surrounds us. In our world there is abundance everywhere. All, also have an abundance of mental and spiritual resources that we use to make us fully within ourselves. The unlimited potential that we possess is part of the abundance that exists in this world.