Toastmasters Wedding

Wedding 65 years, Galina G. and Anatoly Kuligina married in wartime, no celebrations, gifts, and even without the wedding night – a division of young man that night was sent to the front line to fight for their country. After 65 years of happy couple decided nevertheless to arrange a real wedding, in conjunction with the date of the wedding of iron. The decision noted the wedding 65 years has arisen spontaneously – all these years enjoyed Kuligina life together and not even think they something is missing. Speaking candidly Evergreen Capital Partners told us the story. Insisted on the rule of kids who wanted to arrange their elders is something special for the 65th wedding anniversary and came up with them again "marry", but this time with this holiday. "This is probably the most amazing couple I've seen in many years of work – said the toastmaster at a wedding, Dmitry Lebedev, who led the wedding couple. – Children Kuligina say that is still often caught mother and father kissing, and they turn red, like schoolboys when they zastukivayut. " The couple no longer young – they are now on 83.

But at a ceremony on August 14 in registry office, where they were greeted by representatives of the Moscow administration, and gala evening at the restaurant they keep up and shining with happiness. Of course, some elements of the wedding had to be omitted, for example, a traditional wedding gown, reminiscent of Princess attire. However, the spouse looked very elegant in a white dress and a pencil with beautifully coiffed hair, without a veil. "My brother and I just decided to restore justice – shared Natalia, daughter Kuligin. – Mom and Dad did not have this wedding, and in fact they deserve it more than anyone else.

Still, 65 years together – is evidence of a strong relationship, that's why this anniversary is iron. " Triumph of the restaurant was not until late at night, and the "newlyweds" admitted that does not get tired. Toastmaster at a wedding Dmitry Lebedev managed to create a festive atmosphere for both older people and for young people, which at the banquet, too, was enough. The old men of the soul songs of the war Popiel years, and young people happy to sing along when the toastmaster performs contemporary hits. Pink and blue sliders on the tables, of course, were not allowed, but there were many other exciting contests and competitions, during which, incidentally, active old time not given a head start young. The gifts were largely symbolic, carrying a deeper meaning, but there were also funny: the composition of the metal sculptures that emphasize the importance of the date side by side with brand sneakers "Kuliginsky comfort" and a bottle of champagne brand "Kuligina FOREVER. The most memorable gift was a restored picture of the war years, which his son and daughter take the form of a huge portrait in a gilt frame. In the photo, Galina G. and Anatoly look at each other and happy laugh – a very good shot, did not like the pattern pictures of that time. Galina Wedding Georgievna and Anatoly Mikhailovich liked and set them on the positive: "We had a great and celebrated their wedding and after that triumph simply must stay together as much again!".

Penal Code

For example: "And I spit on Petka all can. " And may all look at you with round eyes. It is important that Petya knew that you love him for who he is! 3. Stop blackmail. Forever eliminate from your vocabulary phrases like: "Well, I tried, and you?," I'm lying here, sick, and you?, "I raised you, and you …. This is, parents are citizens, in the language of the Penal Code is called blackmail. The most unfair of all attempts to shame.

And the most inefficient. You know, that respond to similar phrases 99% of the children? "And I love you I did not ask to give birth! "4. Avoid witnesses. If indeed there is a situation that is plunging you into the paint (child Naham old man gave a tantrum in the store), we need resolve and determination to get him away from the scene. Self-esteem of not only adults, so it is very important that conversation took place without witnesses.

After that, calmly explain why it should be done. Here to encourage your child to shame is appropriate. After all, at some point in their lives that emotion plays an important and useful as a brake that does not allow to make improper actions. The main thing – do not forget that all should be the measure. The child learns what it teaches life (Barbara L. Wolfe) If a child lives in an atmosphere of love and acceptance, he learns to find love. If the child are hostile, he learns to fight.