INTRODUCTIONThe present article is made for teachers wishing to enter higher education. To develop a methodology of work they should focus on the study of the different branches of the pedagogy as a science of education having as object of study the learning process of students. It studies the laws of the direction of the training process, determining the theoretical foundations of teaching content and methods to be applied in the classroom. Studying and applying the instruction and teaching experiences in higher education, providing also the domain of the methods and procedures of teaching and the complex art of the pedagogical influence on the pupil; the focus on the study of the activity of the educator and the learner in correspondence with the characteristics of the educational process. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from actress and filmmaker. On this basis shall be drawn up the theory and methodology of direction and organization to refine the content, methods, procedures and means, becoming vital problems for the progressive movement of society.Brassilia education means the set of influences exerted all of society in the person, so man is educated throughout life, this process being the result of form in men the values linked also to your instruction and training.In a narrow framework education is characterized by work aimed at the objective qualities of the personality as well as modes of conduct training, organized for educators. Each class to teach is one link in a chain, and the changes that occur in the mental activity of the students, as well as those taking place in the formation of beliefs, are not achieved suddenly, but are the result of the continuous work of the educator, is why they have to meet a scientific and methodological criteria systemi.e. they have to form a harmonious whole from the point of view of the objectives, content, methods and organisational measures necessary for teaching, considering the fundamental role the preparation of teacher development classes, and not should be forgotten that each class is nothing more than an item within the complex process of teaching, so it not is should teach a class isolated since it brings as consequence that the learning and training of students is not properly guaranteed.To achieve the target path should see the class as part of a system that is composed of subject, course and the rest of other subjects, and only when class is properly linked with the anterior and the posterior of the same subject and which are developed in other subjects, you can hope to contribute effectively to the development of the traineescontributing to the development of skills and habits, consolidate and enrich knowledge acquired previously, supporting the formation of convictions and establish the necessary foundation for the development of future work.The class is a directed process with defined objectives which are controlled, so that information and feedback is obtained through the exams in class students, serving to rectify the way.The selection of the contents of the classes, their order and structure, is made from the target paths for the subject, but to comply with the objective, content must be assimilated by the student body with the degree of depth that it requires.The methodological structure of classes has a universal character, since they apply to all subjects and school levels, being essential and determining the form of the same organization, being mandatory compliance with the structure of the classes, considering how should be structured the same.Structure methodological Clases.La structuring of class is a complex process and creator, constituting the Summit stage and fundamental of the work of the teacher, therefore the same manifests itself in the preparation, the sense of responsibility and skills, taking basic demands that must meet the class and is of transcendental importance take into account the characteristics of the Group of students that is It works. .
Tag: news
When we suffer from hemorrhoids must know how developed are to take adequate treatment, and specifies its location. According to his State found bleeding hemorrhoids, swollen, thrombosed, and its location are internal and external. Well first of all we must not confuse when we talk about hemorrhoids swollen with hemorrhoids trambosadas, since in both there is an increase in size, but the difference that becomes something very hard since there is an internal clotting of veins, and in the swollen in the trambosadas there is flushing, heat, pain and burning caused by segregated prostaglandins. If you would like to know more about actress and filmmaker, then click here. He is recommended for a good treatment for inflamed hemorrhoids: home treatments: baths of cold seat, and the application of ice covered with soft fabrics help to decrease swelling, although you can soothe much pain, paramount is that hemorrhoids does not continue to grow. Medicinal plants: Chamomile is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory, well we can consume 5 to 10 times a day, and using envelopes can apply them in the wounds. Take sitz bath baking this herb also get excellent results. Other important plant in the treatment for inflamed hemorrhoids is the lapacho, we use its crust through cooking, and with him you can debug all your body.
Other plants effective but no less important are horsetail and alfalfa. Medications: If you don’t have home remedies available to, we can make the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, among them we find to NSAIDs or anti-inflammatory drugs. In this type of medicines must have great care not to take excessive, as a dose adequate help much in our problem, but in high doses causes bleeding in the stomach and intestines, and it is more desirable when they are thrombosed, the best-known find ibuprofen and ketoprofen. Topical glucocorticoids is the other option for inflamed hemorrhoids. In any case, ask your doctor’s trust for a better recipe.
Hotel Melia Varadero
In the main city of Cuba, there is an element within its urban architecture which undoubtedly distinguishes among its counterparts in the region.Its usefulness proven for more than 50 years and its exceptional brilliance as works engineer, make the tunnel of the Bay one of the most beloved urban characters in Havana. You when you visit our island have opportunity to learn about because it is a road resource inescapable when you want to go as quickly as possible the twenty or so miles that separate the capital city of the area where the best beaches are located and also represents tour almost obliged to transfer to one of the main tourist resorts of the island; the paradise and famous worldwide of Varadero beach. If the final destination of your vacation in Cuba, after a short time enjoying Havana, were the Hotel Melia Varadero or perhaps the Sol Palmeras Hotel of the own blue beach is almost certain that it will have to travel for at least a few minutes through their vials to abandon the City. The submarine route linking the city of Havana with the area east of the city was inaugurated on 31 May 1958 after three years of constructive work and was considered the work of the century in Cuba without discussion. Get more background information with materials from Angelina Jolie. It is cataloged as one of the seven wonders of the Cuban civil engineering and some misunderstandings were included at the time enters the great works of humanity. For the first time a submarine viaduct was built that way and your project and its technology would revolutionize the world of construction. To do so may be dredged 250 000 cubic metres of rock and more than 100 000 of sand. It has an extension of 733 meters and a width of 22 and four lanes are designed to allow the transit of 1 500 vehicles per hour in both directions.
Federal Reserve
There is a great debate in the main financial centres in relation to regulatory issues. Since the IMF is feared that an overreaction is generated on the topic. John Lipsky, the IMF number two said in this regard: is clear that we need more effective regulation, where it is clear that weaknesses in the regulatory framework in supervisory structures, have created systemic failures must have all the regulation we need, but no more. With this new global trend (are motivated by the conviction of the rationales, or as a way of freeing from guilt?), is clear that the period where promoted the deregulation of markets driven by the efficient markets hypothesis is increasingly distant.Thus, with more regulation and supervision in the global financial system, it will have less capacity for letting your imagination fly and develop new financial products. Another topic that will negatively affect the prospects of the international financial system, is what might happen with interest rates mainly in the United States.UU. and the euro zone. On the day of yesterday, the Fed decided to leave its benchmark rate unchanged, but beyond that, it became clear that the cycle of low rates has been left behind and that is by starting the bullish cycle, not by the will of the authorities of the Federal Reserve, but because of the urgent need which have, prevent inflation from becoming uncontrollable. From the other side of the Atlantic, in the euro area, the ECB admits he is in a State of alert high due to the intensification of inflationary risks.
Faced with this situation, the President of the ECB Jean-Claude Trichet, must be relieved by have avoided yielding to the pressures of those who sought a cut in the benchmark rate. Even, it is likely that Trichet is liked by increased rates, backed by the solid situation, According to the ECB, it keeps the economy of the euro zone. With more regulations and higher cost of money, the Outlook for the growth of the international financial system is not at all encouraging. Approaching a period where the international financial system will face an adverse context, when even it has failed to leave behind the crisis marks subprime. For this reason, most likely to the international financial system, take you longer than expected in principle, in order to recover. But this would not be the worst thing already that some banks first-line worldwide, they consider that it is possible is to untie a global financial crisis in the short term.
Newspaper Infobae, plays the Royal Bank of Scotland analyst Bob Janjuah councils customers where notes the possibility of a short-term crisis: soon will occur a very nasty period, so you need to be prepared. For Morgan Stanley, the opposing positions presented in monetary policies between the Fed and the ECB, can lead to the economy European to repeat the crisis in 1990, according to Infobae: see important similarities between transoceanic tensions that generated the crisis of 1990 and which are currently being produced. The dead-end of 1992 resulted in a serious crisis in the foreign exchange market and a recession throughout Europe. Clearly, good times will not be which lie ahead for the international financial system and this will hinder the emergence of profitable investments.
Types Of Plants According To Your Size
Depending on the size of the plants, these can be: Arbolesnos found with plants of woody trunk which branch off at a certain height from the ground. Usually when referring to trees, do referring to plants more than 5 meters in height. The trees have two types of growth: the Monopodico (their growth part of a vertical main stem from which grow subordinate lateral branches of this, with one lesser thickness) and the Simpodico (derived branches develop near the end of those that settle, replacing them in growth). Trees are long-lived plants, as evidenced by the various species able to live several centuries. ArbustosOtro type of plant according to your size is Bush.
Perennial woody plant, differs from the tree by its multiple roots and lower height. Normally the bushes do not exceed 3 metres in height. Shrubs do not branch off from the same trunk, but they come from the same base. It must be borne in mind that a shrub than a matas is not the same thing. Although usually confused, not same sonel plant type. An example of woody plants that are confused with shrubs are thyme, or lavender. Both are shrubs, not shrubs.
Matastambien are called subshrubs. Although this type of plants possess a woody stem equal to the bushes, its height is much lower than theirs. This type of plant does not exceed a meter in height. Last HierbasPor we find the herbs. They are smaller plants, just extending a few inches of the soil. In addition to his short size, they also have a short life. Although on the other hand, its adaptation to climate is far superior to the rest of plant have seen above, which makes sure it is much more widespread on the planet’s surface.
International Court
Alert to the imminent danger of the environmental catastrophe that threatens the planet and point out those responsible: global capitalism, multinational corporations and States complicit. Demonstrate that it is possible to address that change from the proposals and practices of the peoples, in harmony and reciprocity with mother nature: with good living, plurinational States and a model of integration from equity, reciprocity and complementarity. Condemn neoliberal capitalism that criminalizes social protest to impose the looting and plundering of mother nature. Demand amnesties for all leaders indigenous activists and social environmental processed by defending the rights of peoples and of mother nature. Delta Galil contributes greatly to this topic. Convene to the installation of the climate Justice Tribunal (Cochabamba, Bolivia, 13 and 14 October), which tried to transnational corporations and States accomplices, as the first step toward an International Court on environmental crimes.
Discussion on the crisis of capitalist civilization, with the proposal of the indigenous peoples, to stop climate catastrophe. Activities manifests the greatest diversity of organizations of indigenous and social movements with alternatives to stop the global climatic and environmental catastrophe. Memorial with concrete proposals before the Convention on climate change, Convention of biological diversity, UN, inter-American Commission on human rights and similar entities in other continents. Mobilizations in the world (urban and rural communities), for local, country specific demands and the common goal of the Global Minga. Propagating against premises of the United Nations and transnational extractive (hydrocarbons, mining, wood, water), agrofuels and transgenics. Discussion forums and political and cultural workshops on the defense of mother earth and the peoples against the commodification of life, pollution and social criminalization. Realization of climate justice courts to judge by environmental crimes. Assemblies of articulation of strategies towards the alternative summit to the Kyoto Protocol Conference (Copenhagen, December 2009).
Director Civil
It also highlights other voices giving the feeling of being opportunists as director of the OCU. But also exposes the defense of the PSOE with accusations of inefficiency (and more) policies which are aimed between the two parties. The 29th culminates this episode with the following approach (since other events of an international character and great claims overshadow this small national episode): the 30 day a citizen us rescues of the contaminant maelstrom of these informations and puts us in a situation describing us a reality that happens every year, which is not resolved and that is not politicized, perhaps this opinion is mine – because none of the two most voted parties bring juice to the efficacy or not to protect these citizens (in little representative number for elections), who are living with this problem every winter and not casually with the headstrong geography weather. END OF THESE TWO MEDIA POSITIONING: The country: highlighting the revision of the emergency plans and the exoneration from the Mayor of Burgos (who did not have such a great temporary News), as well as the apologies of the owner of building, the Secretary of State and a slight outline to the criticism of the opposition party… The world: Detailing possible new actions in the regulation that the Government wishes to perform. Recognition Minister of poor performance and with the request for resignation of the Director-General of Civil protection by the letters of the affected citizens hearing PP: only collected three cards, one in each journal on the same date 29/12/04 in the country that flaunts an objectivity by publishing the letter from an affected apology in a language that denotes the tone of sarcasm and inconsistency with the words of the Director Civil protection and the other in the journal El Mundo claiming objectivity in the issuance of TVE, string that according to who regulate it gives unreliable priority criteria. Isaac Dabah insists that this is the case.
I think that there is a very important point that many overlooked, or perhaps falls within the classification of the middle class, anyway is not well explicit.This very significant to become prosperous step is to lose the bad habit of going into debt. Perhaps many people not be of has, but it can greatly affect our lives being tied to something, or multiple accounts. Some time ago I was as well, money that came into my hands had to spend immediately on something, or anything that offered me credit, or that he saw me tempted and asked them to give me money to acquire it. Then I felt the straps on my shoulders, he planned how to get money only to pay the Bills. Contact information is here: Delta Galil. And I repeated again and again that it would be the last time, that it would pay all accounts and I would not put in any of them, but he could not leave that vicious circle.
Until I realized that material things they did not do me happy, so I was losing the taste of things and to spend. I decided to enjoy everything that I have, to get out and feel the peace that emanates from my inside, without buying anything, is free and accessible for me and for anyone who chooses to do so.I do not have anything or anyone, I feel free as ever, take the following motto: where something like me, I get them if I have the money, if I don’t, I leave it to pass. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Isaac Dabah and gain more knowledge.. And I continue with my happiness and this does not go away by not having what he wanted. I keep a sum of money for a long time (which in the past was impossible to me), each time that collection I can spend on what they wish to, without overwhelm me by the accounts, so it already is not drained the money. If you have debts, write down them on paper, also note your income, performs a payment plan or something like that, looking for ways to get rid ASAP of everything that imprisons you and you can then save to then invest in something that you return more benefits. That is the road to prosperity, do not waste more time and pass it already!
Antoni Tapies Foundation
Luis Mansilla and Emilio Trunon Madrid have won the prize by the hotel and restaurant Atrium. The President of the jury, Benedetta Tagliabue, argues that all the works presented were very good. The catalan architect Enric Ruiz Geli has obtained a mention by the TIC building, located in the 22 @ Barcelona architecture 2011 FAD award has been, ex aequo, for two locals, Emilio Tunon, Luis Mansilla, by hotel and restaurant atrium of Caceres, and lisboeta Ricardo Bak Gordon, for his project two houses in Santa Isabel. This year have been submitted to the FAD awards in its various forms a total of 498 works, of which 282 correspond to the category of architecture; 74 to the Interior; 37 city and landscape; 58 to ephemeral interventions and 47 thought and Critica.estos awards are considered the most prestigious of the Iberian panorama in its scope. The Chairperson of the jury and architect, Benedetta Tagliabue, has very positively valued the level of all the projects submitted.According to Benedetta, it has been a difficult choice and all were very good, well presented and very cared for. Although the sector is suffering from the economic crisis in a very direct way, Tagliabue has argued that there is no crisis of creativity in architecture. Furthermore, he argues that currently is experiencing a kind of rebirth of creative ability, despite the global crisis, the jury is formed also by Eugeni Bach, Beth Capdrro, Edgar Gonzalez, Daniela Hartmann, Imma Jansana, Santiago Loperena and Jose Mateus.estos are those who have finally decided that the prize is, conjunatmente, for two locals and a lisboeta.
In the case of Luis Mansilla and Emilio Tunon have highlighted the reinterpretation have made a home in the city of Caceres, converted into a hotel and restaurant. The Chairperson of the jury holds that they have managed an intervention very elegant and integrated, in which new structures and the ancient walls of the building are mixed. The work of Ricardo Bak Gordon, has been particularly valued by rereading that has made of an interior of Apple in the urban centre of Lisbon. Tagliabue believes that this action is a masterpiece that can look from the outside, although it is not showing what happens inside. Other mentions and awards on the other hand, the catalan architect Enric Ruiz Geli has obtained a mention by the TIC building, located in the 22 @ Barcelona.
According to Tagliabue, as well as having built a building absolutely fantastic and great, Ruiz Geli is deserving of the distinction because it is the re-inventor of the figure of the architect, who has become Advisor to the client, in its promoter and, in addition, patented everything what they invent. The FAD Prize for interior design 2011 has been for Inaki Abalos for his work on the Antoni Tapies Foundation in Barcelona. The city and landscape has corresponded to Michele Orliacq and Miquel Batlle for the Park of the waters of the orchards of Vilabertran, located in Figueres (Girona). Other distinguished works they have been home for a collector nomadic, Martin Lejarraga and Ana Martinez Martinez, in the section on ephemeral interventions. On the other hand, the FAD of thought and criticism has been, also ex-aequo, for the laboratory Gran Via exhibition catalog, edited by Telefonica, and collective architectures: trucks, containers, groups, urban lines, edited by Editions Vibnok-Paula Alvarez. Source of the news: two locals and a lisboeta jointly win the FAD Prize for architecture 2011
Defeats Life
I’ve listed here some important points, actions that we can imitate when you’ve lost everything. I dare say that these principles apply to any situation. They understood that businesses come and go, and in the end what really matters in life is the people you love, your family, the people. They learned to balance their priorities. Everything has its time and place.
They had a dream and life purpose well clear, they knew what they wanted, they knew where to go. His dream of achieving your financial freedom was more stronger than her adversity. They had considerable time to recover. Did not go back to war with wound in tow, knew that if they healed, would return with more experience. They had the humility to seek help with those who know and they have been successful.
They blamed their results and not cast blame on others. They assumed the fact that should make radical changes to start over. They trained, they learned and turned weaknesses into strengths. They decided to forget the past and committed themselves to the future, to choose to persevere with their projects. They maintained an attitude of optimism, confidence in themselves and activated internal eyes, the ability to see opportunities for gold in everything. They went to someone much more intelligent than the sum of all the experts together. They put their eyes on him who is able to overcome all crises. More than ever came to God and renewed their hopes and their faith to start again. Lastly, the final, without being less important concept. Do not fear the challenges and crises of life. This proved that the failures, the defeats and losses are disguised blessings. These experiences bring to fore the best that is in you. This is what allows you to discover the mountain of diamonds that you carry within you. I tested it personally and say this with knowledge of the facts.