The Causes of Art

etc. In fact, any person engaged in selling daily, even if his work is directly connected with them. For example, selling a child the idea that he went to bed, or selling the idea to her husband, so he bought a fur coat. You can cite many examples on this topic. We sell ideas, products, opinions, orders, what we like, dislike, and more.

There is a very simple and precise definition of sale. SALES – ART IS CHANGING VIEWS OF ANOTHER PERSON about anything, this puts him DESIRE to do something. To be effective salesperson, you first need to learn to take care of a man … "Now I can tell you this the most important thing in real estate sales and more. In any case, sit back. Attention! – Sold ideas, not objects! Understand this well. It is really important! You never sell your property, even an ideal buyer, if, before that, have not sold him the idea of the desirability and attractiveness of most of this purchase, just for him! The ideas are primary – and only objects of the investigation of previous ideas.

We are interested in a result – the object was sold, then it's time to take care of the causes of those ideas, which, after their sensible use and create such investigation. There are two main aspects, both equally important. This is the content of the ideas and ways of its location (messages, reports it to the appropriate terminal.) Let's start with the first, with the content.