Cordial greeting to all readers. Here we are again, with a theme that restless and affects many dog owners.The destructive behaviors of dogs. Which are the main causes that our dogs do damage inside House?To address this issue, it is essential to take into account the origin of our dogs, since it is there where lies much of the explanation of the destructive behaviors in our pets.The main ancestor of our dogs is the Wolf. In the wild, wolves need to hunt to survive, this work of Hunt implies large wear of energy due to the enormous physical and mental effort that involves asechar pursue and kill prey. As we have already mentioned in previous articles, much of the genetic background of the Wolf, found in the modern dog, this means that many of the basic behaviors of the dog are equal to the Wolf, including of course the natural hunting to survive momentum.
To this we can add that many races in principle were bred and used to work in the field involving long hours of work next to the man. The life of modern man is quite different from the man of decades ago with the technological modernization has become sedentary, the main activity focuses on big cities, in factories offices and similar places. The field is synonymous with rest and recreation for the modern man. The problem is that changes in routine for humans, have also affected the lives of pets who live beside her.Our modern dogs, do not have to work to get your food, we provide them daily without represent this effort by our pets. Farmers do not go to help hunters pick up birds, the Dalmatians already do not run alongside horse-drawn cars, the Rottweilers already do not graze livestock or guarding the money of the butchers, and the Fox Terrier already not hunt mice or animals burrow.For dogs, however inherited impulses of their ancestors for hundreds of years are still inside. Imagine pretend to have all this gene, inactive quiescent within an apartment or a House. And is that the problem is not space and that in the majority of cases our dogs need activity and activity good, running, chasing and being chased dominate and be dominated spend so much energy accumulated.
Do if we talk about harmful puppies must add you more than energy, and the typical immaturity of the first months of life, then we think would leave you to your baby human from two years alone and without supervision within the House? . So that when a dog does damage this boring, do not for evil, for revenge or grudge with their masters, simply lacks activity and attention to balance your energies. Have you thought for a moment, that would mean for a normal human being, a full day of inactivity? Zero outputs, zero TV, zero music etc. etc.? Complicated truth? That is the case of our modern pets ceased to be major assistants of the workings of man to become only company mascots. It is then our responsibility as owners provide to those wonderful in unconditional friends dogs, what they need, since they not asked to be on our side.Before judging our furry friends, we reflect and have some compassion and justice with them.