
The arthritis is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. One or more joints ignite, where excessive or incorrect loads of the animal causes often play a role. The venous outflow from the bone work still incomplete due to the inflammation. This leads to a build-up of fluid, which manifests itself outwardly in a strong swelling. This fluid build-up caused an increase in the internal pressure of the bone. The metabolism in bone is thus severely impeded and disrupted what has eventually degenerative changes in the bone and cartilage to the result.

Since the metabolism is defective also after the acute inflammation often for a long time, it is common to complications such as osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a chronic inflammation of the joints, which deformed bones, cartilage and joint capsules. The articular cartilage wears off so far, until the inflammation of the joint capsules and bones skin affected. Spar is a uni – or bilateral disease of the hocks. The Causes for spat in a chronic metabolic disorder. Triggers can be a chronic infection that leads to a chronic metabolic disorder or a trauma. Consequences are first bone and Knochenhautentzundungen, which entail joint inflammation in the long term.

The inflammation on the inside of the joint cause a full joint stiffness in the end. Osteoarthritis as spat are usually in spurts. Both diseases are incurable, however prudent attitude and care at favourable disease course can give beautiful years some horse. Extremely much grazing is important for patients, such horses must be free to move no matter what the weather. Sure spar – or arthritis may be horses no sport horses, but as a quiet, reliable activity partners, they do often have a good figure. Extremely long phases of the step to the start of work to promote the formation of synovial fluid, and say the horses move”. Quiet, long rides and cautious, the Possibilities of the horse adapted, light gymnastics can positively impact the course of the disease. Less is more, patients may not be worked up to the limit, but getting a good piece below. Cheap also feed additives affect according to new findings on the basis of Gelatinhydrolysat, which promote the formation of synovial fluid. Often in the same breath with walking and osteoarthritis, the so-called hoof syndrome is called. For completeness this disease is therefore also briefly torn though it differs fundamentally from above. HUF role inflammation is an extremely painful bursitis in the range of hoof, Kron – and navicular. If left untreated, changes in bone, cartilage, and finally a navicular follow necrosis, in which the blood supply of the Jet leg is disturbed. This destroys bone, cartilage, and the navicular itself. Also pathological changes in ligaments and tendons can cause a hoof syndrome. On the basis of the uneven anatomical weight distribution a hoof syndrome increasingly occurs on the forehand. Katrin Sabisch