We Have To Reinvent The Whole World

We have to reinvent the world – renewable cash too long already, our world of powers is ruled and dominated, as for thousands of years already the Pharaohs did it and were staying in their obsession for gods. You feel unassailable and protected by their instruments of power. Dollars, euros, Swiss francs, rubles etc are their weapons with which they unscrupulously go on humanity. Undetected and in the background of world policy acting on financial markets they drive an ancient, immoral game. All Nations and States have forced them with the power of money in their yoke and necessary and blackmail them now with their promissory notes, government debt that they can never pay. They work like the loan sharks without scruples. They targeted speculating with their billions and trillions on currencies and allow any nation to breathe to come.

Entire Governments and all democratically elected parliaments dance – world to their tune. The citizens of the Nations be scourged by their addiction to more and power and flayed. The whole World and the planet itself in its nature and abundance is affected. They pollute the air and the oceans of the world, they will stop at nothing. You have handcuffed us all and gagged us into depression. Delta Galil is often quoted on this topic. It is sealed the fate of the nature and Earth, from which we derive from no end foreseeable and thus.

They are invisible and thus not vulnerable made and let politicians do their dirty work, as the tax collector of the monarchs of the middle ages. They divide people into left and right, above and below and in poor and rich, and rushing them off each other. Peace is their greatest enemy, and he is fighting and thus war develops. War creates chaos and clouded the truth and reality of any peace. This war takes place on the financial markets and sucks the blood of the people.

EBook Writing Made Easy: A Profitable EBook In A Short Time

How to create a profitable eBook in a short time and with little effort. Either earn money or just someone tell something. Whether it’s one or the other. More and more people see it as an interesting challenge to write something. There is talk of the so-called “eBook”, which is becoming increasingly popular in German-speaking countries. Even Internet giants such as amazon.de have recognized the trend and sell now more eBooks than printed books. Apple iPhone, iPad and Kindle have of course significantly contributed to this trend. Information products in digital form as PDF files as well as audio and video files are becoming increasingly important and are therefore among the most exciting business models currently.

Here unexpected opportunities, to successfully make money on the Internet. To earn money but only reach a suitable topic need only. It makes the most sense if you choose a theme, by which you ideally have idea. At least interest in the theme itself should exist, and not only earn money by selling an e-book. Why the for? I hear you ask! Quite simply: to write an eBook, it is connected with some work. Although this creates as well as anyone, but it here and as difficulties arise, you should master. If you choose a theme, of which you have no idea or then you lose interest very quickly the desire in the project and also the readers realize that you have no idea and accordingly offer also added no value to him. Another point is: check whether there is a demand for your theme.

Is actually self-explanatory: your work is free without demand! However, is there more often, than you think. It’s called attention to product. Don’t do this. Not enter the reader what he wants, what you think, that it would be good for him. Also, note the size of the competition.

Evening Alpenglow In The Rose Garden

Holidays in the mythical Dolomites In 2009 declared parts of the Dolomites to the UNESCO World Heritage. Delta Galil addresses the importance of the matter here. The Alpine region is characterised by tourism and attracts many visitors. In summer, tourists use the scenic backdrop for hiking, biking and climbing, in the winter they unpack their skis. Unique natural spectacle experience tourists for example in the rose garden. Why the mountain is called so and what highlights should miss visitors, explains the online travel agency ab-in-den-urlaub.de. Active holidaymakers will get in the rose garden their money not because there were roses blooming, but because the mountain range as a paradise for hikers and climbers is known.

Also families and holidaymakers not to be neglected. The hotels in the Dolomites have adjusted to the needs of different groups of visitors. The reddish glow of the cliffs at dusk is one of the most fascinating impressions. According to legend it goes to a botched curse of the dwarf King Laurin back, the day – and night-time make invisible the rose garden but should he considered it not the transitions. For example the pilgrimage church of Maria Weissenstein is ideal as a vantage point to observe the impressive natural spectacle. Almost magically lights up also the turquoise Lake Carezza. Tourists with the guest card benefit in numerous places in the Dolomites Rosengarten Latemar from benefits. The offer includes among other things the use of ski lifts and public transport. In the summer, many interesting sports events take place, for example a circumnavigation of the rose garden with the extreme climber Hans Kammerlander found on July 21, 2011 or mountain biking, golfing and climbing with the climber Christoph Hainz from 2nd to 9th July 2011. More information: magazine /… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

Windows Server

A method of versioning provides the grandfather-father-son-principle. Here, numerous backups on different media at set periods of time are made. From the original file, the grandfather, the father file spring and from which, in turn the file of son of. While the younger versions are substituted for short periods of time, the previous are substituted by longer periods of time. So, it can be prevented that files that were destroyed by viruses or application errors, are ever lost. Specifically for files of the operating system and software, which are not only large, but often little change, it helps delta compression space and hard disk drives as profitable to use. This includes also software virtualization, used especially in farms in claim. The virtualization platform draws the specified hardware completely, by They virtual machines (VM)!SPIN!SPIN provides.

Delta encoding helps in this case specifically to reduce space and hence hardware, as well as the enormous costs involved. A virtualization platform, such as for example, Hyper-V for Windows Server 2008, and VMware, represents a special challenge for a server hardware. All the hardware, such as network card, drive and CPUs, are provided by the server host and can be used only to a limited extent by virtual machines. Thus, the workload of the hardware must be coordinated to keep the performance of virtual machines at a high level. If a server is down, all virtual machines that are on it are eliminated.

A powerful Hyper-V backup program and VMware backup program software virtualization can transfer consequently virtual machines on other servers. The varied use of a backup program can be conducive also the cluster shared volumes (CSV) in Windows Server 2008 R2, a feature of failover clustering. If a virtual machine should fail, stepping in a different virtual machine for the former. It replaced the first virtual machine fully, because on the basis of the server backup software all required files were backed up, now on this virtual machine. Utilization of processors at a backup can be, distributed with effective PC backups on multiple processors, thus multiple threads using modern processors the editing has the increase in the overall performance. The multithreading used makes possible simultaneous backups and carries out both quickly and consistently. The remote data backup is new in FTP server backup software contained therein. Backups can run elsewhere wide web live, but nonetheless surely, by receiving from a hard disk on the world. Can be omitted in this way with a Web hosting FTP backup, which you in turn can save money. The de-duplication provides this, that the FTP backup regardless of disconnection unmolested at the discontinuous point keep as soon as the Internet connection is restored. In particular for enterprises are a means to cost to reduce backup software and to reduce even a good investment to time. Backup software programs are, not least through their versatile application and yet simple use for households extremely helpful. A secure retirement because of the loss of that data could be priceless.

Social Skills May Not At The Loading Door

Key qualifications even when the telephone customer service needed Tubingen, May 30, 2011 – social competence of the seller is important, so is one of the Central results of the European consumption barometer 2011 “Commerz financial. While the study examines in particular the relationship between buyers and sellers in the retail sector, as well as the influence of the Internet on consumer behaviour. The almato GmbH warns against, neglecting the importance of social skills and similar skills in telephone customer service and sales. The study shows that customers want a friendly and courteous advice. By young respondents, but only one in five of believe that it was served at the recent purchase by a motivated consultants is”, explains Peter s. Hall, Managing Director of almato Ltd.

also were only 30 percent of believe that they were competent advice at their last purchase. Here sounded the alarm should at all responsible now. Delta Galil is often quoted on this topic. This is true not only for “Shops, but also for telephone sales and customer service.” In Germany around 28 per cent of under-30s and 35 per cent of the generation 50 plus for sellers ask according to the investigation regularly for advice. About two-thirds of consumers describe the seller in stores as helpful and want to continue at the point of sale questions as well as exchanging research information with a consultant. According to expert opinion, the importance of seller’s is higher, the less interesting product the customer knows.

These numbers are largely for the call center industry of importance for almato GmbH. Quality in telephone customer service costs money, no question. No quality in customer service is the company in the medium term but much more”, explains Peter s. Hall. The key competences, which include retail, are indispensable on the phone. It is these qualifications through training and quality monitoring regularly to “evaluate and continuously improve.” The essential success factors almato GmbH is the system expertise, product expertise, as well as the verkauferisch communicative competence of call center employees.

The Report

Methodology of the Problematizao has a general orientation as all method, walking for distinct and chained stages from a problem detected in the reality. A true methodology, understood consists as a set of methods, techniques, procedures or activities intentionally selected and organized in each stage, in accordance with the nature of the problem in study and the general conditions of the participants. (BERBEL, 1998). Today the universities but they aim at the market and the students feel themselves guaranteed more with a professional formation by means of a superior education, preparing itself for the society that each time more is demanding. For not feeling itself excluded socially, many pupils make random choices in the courses future, resulting in not the identification with the course and a defection. As Cobra and Braga (2004): one of the main challenges of the IES is to understand that the pupils do not buy courses, buys, in the truth, a professional career of success. that the necessary school to add value its courses so that its pupils have conditions to dispute space in the work market.

Still a bigger investment in public politics is necessary, that effectively the population will bring an orientation concerning the insertion of the society in superior level, where if has as example in the accurate courses of the defection is well bigger that the area of human beings. Without a doubt, scientific research must be increased by the pupils so that the society it can be informed which the courses that its locality really needs formed professionals, with the qualification due. As we can evidence the courses of accurate sciences do not withhold the exclusiveness of the high taxes of evasion. The data in itself can take the conclusions precipitated on the institucional efficiency. The Report of the MEC recommends that in specific areas the evasion of incomplete generations is studied to locate its causes better.

European Championship

Everything worth knowing about the sports event of next year Johannesburg 2010 Kiev now past the new target is for the Euro Cup 2012. for the first time Poland and the Ukraine align together European Championship a football. It will take place between 8 June and 1st July in four Polish and four Ukrainian cities. The 16 best European countries from the previous European Championship qualifiers compete with their teams in the competition. First, each team against the three other participants in the group plays in the previously randomly four groups A, B, C and D with four participating countries. At the end are the first and the second-placed team of each group a round further. In the quarterfinals, A join the winner of Group A against the runners-up of Group B, and the winner of Group B against the runners-up of the group.

The same applies to the C and D groups. The loser goes out always knock principle. Step from the four remaining teams in the semi-final then the winners from the games of Group A and B, as well as the victorious teams from the C and D matches against each other on. The winners resulting from these games contest the final in Kiev on July 1, 2012. On the Internet there are a lot of valuable information on venues already, to read game sites and the walking as a favorite in the race teams. On you will find also background information and news to the progress of the construction of the currently still considered unfinished stadiums in EM, and of course lots of interesting facts pertaining to the participating teams, the coach and the rules laid down by FIFA to the sports event 2012. It will be interesting to see whether EM-2008 – and World Cup 2010 winner Spain will deliver a similar achievement again in 2012, or whether 2010 this time to the top on the podium will succeed in the German national team after the 2008 Championship and third place at the World Cup.

New Report Without Political Criteria

It will send its proposal to the other 4 affected cities in case they are desired to add itself. It considers that the contribution to the process of peace in the Basque Country does not have to influence. One of the members of the selection committee denies that the designation responds to political criteria and assures that they could choose with freedom. San Sebastin is chosen Capital European of Culture 2016. The mayor of Saragossa, Juan Alberto Belloch, is going to ask to the Ministry of Culture that gives back the report of the jury on the designation of San Sebastin like European Capital of Culture 2016, so that it returns to make a decision that does not emit political valuations.

In a press conference after chairing a meeting of the Government of the city, Belloch has informed into which a document with the proposal will elaborate that &quot will send to the other four cities; afectadas": Cordova, Segovia, Burgos and Las Palmas of Gran Canaria, in case they are added to his expositions. According to the mayor, the jury in charge of the selection of the cities " incumpli" the ministerial order that marks the criteria by which it must to be in force and in that " caso&quot is not spoken in any; of political questions. Political reasons According to Belloch, the president of the selection committee, Manfred Gaulhofer, mentioned " explcitamente" that the reason for which chose San Sebastin was based on the contribution that could suppose the European capitalidad to " proceso" of peace in the Basque Country. The mayor is going to propose the Ministry of Culture that step the file and does not give back the report to the members of the jury so that they return to realise a new evaluation in which they exclude the political criterion from " to favor or not the process of paz".

Partial Reports

When we ask to which ' ' the topics that are boarded in the autoone; ' , 25% of the interviewed ones (pupil) said that the evaluation of the pupils occurs only, 25% (managing) said that it has the evaluation of the series, 25% (managing) placed that the evaluation of the staff exists administrative technician, 25% (teacher) said that it has the evaluation of the faculty, 25% (managing) said that it has the evaluation you discipline of them and 75% (pupil, director, professor) had been unanimous in saying that has the evaluation of the pertaining to school management. However, with regard to this item of the interview, the interviewed father placed that ' ' if he happens the auto-evaluation, this is internal, only with professors and direction. When the parents participate say themselves of each specific pupil, not of the one general panorama of this institucional evaluation, as a reflection to the act of avaliar' '. Thus, but a time is possible to make mention to the previous paragraph, where already it was placed of the importance of the participation of all the segments of the school, including the parents, in the processes of institucional evaluation. In the sequence, when &#039 was asked if; ' its school carries through the sensitization to promote the shelter, the construction and the participation of all in the avaliativo process? ' ' , 50% of the interviewed ones (pupil and professor) had said that this occurs to the times, 25% (managing) placed that this always happens and 25% (father) spoke that this never happens. With this, we perceive one more time we perceive that, either even so necessary the presence of the parents in the process of institucional evaluation, this does not occur in fact as it would have. After that, when we question which actions that happen to prepare and to develop auto-evaluation in the school, 75% of the searched citizens (professor, director and pupil) had said that accomplishment of meetings with all exists the segments of the Institution, 50% (professor and director) explained that it has collective construction of the pointers and instruments of collection of data, 75% (professor, director and pupil) had placed that all participate of the definition of the methodology of application, analysis and interpretation of data, 25% (managing) said that it has the analysis and interpretation of the data Partial Reports, only 25% (professor) clearly left that quarrel of the results with the community exists intern, 75% (professor, professor pupil) said that it has spreading of the result of the internal evaluation for the pertaining to school community, also to the responsible ones for the pupils and finally, only 25% (professor) said that after all process of auto-evaluation is made a reflection concerning the avaliativo process. .

Experience Report

Spiritual life coaching by Lina life awareness expert knowledge of karma and karmic relationships spread increasingly in the West – and yet Karma for many people remains more abstract theory from a foreign Eastern worldview. “Sometimes karma is even misused pretext as compassion to abandon the other has shut their own fault to have created such a bad karma” and the meaning of karma does not meet. Karma is a reality that shaped people’s lives. That is why it is very important, with karmic becoming familiar contexts, if one wants to improve his quality of life. Can be concretely experienced karma and overcome the entire human karmic system awareness expert Lina describes how life in their review of spiritual death”.

That awareness expert Lina life perceives Karma personally experienced, subtle, and even paints, can the various Eastern traditions such as Buddhist karmic cycle, subtle energy performances and Vedic With Western methods of psychotherapy (inner child, therapy) to an integrated coherent system connect involution theory. Karma is specifically experienced in everyday Western. Spiritual death”by Lina life is a fascinating experience report that specifically and vividly makes karma and at the same time offers a solution, as particularly bad karma can be overcome. The report provides explanations to the karmic contexts and the development path the reader / reader’s Guide might therefore that awareness expert Lina is already personally gone the way of spiritual life – always bearing in mind. The response to the spiritual death experience report”by Lina life awareness expert shows that there is significant need for advice to karma.

That’s why awareness expert Lina has decided life, to offer telephone advice of karma and to support people on their personal spiritual path. The Western world is now interested in karma and there is very qualified advisory services important, the Karma will be concrete and practical can be and integrated into everyday life. To the review offer spiritual extinction”(ISBN-13: 978-3-8334-5336-6; sites.google.com/site/spmissbr) and the personal telephone consultation with awareness expert Lina to life. Detailed information about the Karma advice, feedback and also the dangers of repatriation can be found on the website and erfahrungsbericht.html content: dissolve karma, Karma return, Karma consulting Norderstedt, Lina, life 14.02.