Eduardo Blanco

Those who stand out, the outstanding, which achieved success, they know they differentiate between execution-oriented, productive work and the mere effort to tread on keys for hours, they try to cleverly avoid this last. Dedicate yourself to your business, concentrate on him and never forget that in this medium research is a fundamental part of the business: If these concepts apply your business anger growing. ATTITUDE: Surely you’ve already visited many people well known in internet sites and that have actually been very successful in their business.I ask you: do you think than when it started they thought follows:? I’ll try six months and if I don’t make much money left him! NO, definitely not. Would these people never think so, a new venture, a new project for them is a challenge, a challenge; It is something new to perform, is the new task to engage and put all his effort, his strength and his vitality in it; The wonderful thing is that they can perform several projects at the same time; And all are successful, because they are disciplined for their tasks, they learned to organize and can handle several projects at the same time, but mainly because they believe in themselves. But it wasn’t always so, not always they knew how to do it. They had to learn, any of them can tell you that at the beginning they spent hard times, that they cost you relate even as they failed with a project. But he did not care, continued forward because his life is governed by your positive attitude.

Usually we start something new with all our expectation founded, with our best intentions and our firm attitude. And this is the crucial point, the firm attitude with which you can start this project will be key, but even more, you will need to keep it. It is not something that says I, it is proven that the vast majority begin with full force and then slowly go down arms, will be resigning, merman in his effort, decay in their attitude and not finally arrive at the desired success.And here is one of the paradoxes of the human being that comes from generally favorable results are delayed. The more we need our positive attitude less we exercise it. Well, as always trying to bring something positive to that on this new path, which, by now a target, you’ve decided to start to walk, whether that can lead you to one greater way by which you arribes finally to your desired goal. Lots of luck! Eduardo Blanco.

Promoscreen – Interactive Advertising Terminals At ETHA

Information terminals, kiosk systems and displays for the rent or buy Promosscreens are the advertising medium of the future. Read more here: Francisco D’Agostino. Such as electronic posters you protrude especially in public places increasingly high. The audio-visual are information systems do little more on train stations or airports. Such interactive billboards are suitable for advertising, but also as a guide, information or as an Internet terminal. Everyone who ever flew, who knows the monitors showing arrival and departure times of the aircraft. But hardly anyone is aware the possibilities offered by the so-called Promoscreen.

Digital signage, to german digital refers to the use of digital media for advertising and information systems. Info Terminal, advertising terminals, stair now available the latest and interactive display solutions in sales for digital media technology, ETHA conference technology. ETHA is now Germany distributor for the presentation display manufacturer “Promoscreen”? This presentation displays are characterised by high Compatibility, flexibility and a wide range of clothing off. Because from 32 “to 82”, as a single or multiple monitor in the extra portrait or landscape, with or without touch screen; the solution is in our product range. Thus, ETHA offers a new kind of advertising in all sizes. For movie theaters, train stations, shopping malls whether as ordering terminals in cinemas or as alternating, target group-oriented presentation stands at trade fairs or conferences. Whether as large-screen display for museums or in demo rooms Extrabreit or extra high. There are the right digital signage product for any purpose.

A further possibility, in the shopping centre itself, is the customer. At the entrance of the shopping centre, or an amusement park, for example, an interactive screen with touch screen, of course could be on the customers might search for local businesses. Be direct, after the contact, the information displayed on the screen. Let’s imagine, that in an amusement park near the entrance information could get on the roller coaster. You might get to see a breathtaking video, our subconscious mind turns back and heading for us directly on the roller coaster. The brand Promoscreen will also to customer needs. That’s why ETHA offers also the manufacture of custom-made Promoscreens. ETHA GmbH & co. KG is a brand Distributor and rental companies in the area of lighting, sound and media technology, distributes the ERP PHPW by Optibit but also third-party products. The team relies on quality and reliability. Therefore, there are many brand-name products and high-quality solutions at ETHA. Also ETHA helps planners and engineering large event halls, theatres and discos nationwide facilities. Contact: ETHA international GmbH & co. KG Andreas Hoffmann Castle Street 19 97857 Urspringen Tel.: 09396 / 97 01 – 0 fax: 09396 / 97 01 – 49 E-Mail:

Yosemite Hikers

A search and rescue operation is set to resume at first light Wednesday in an area below a popular waterfall after witnesses reported seeing at least one hiker. July 19, 2011. Moonbows and Rainbows in Yosemite National Park. Filed under California, Photography Permalink July 19, 2011 at 05: 33 PM. Comments. Post a comment. If you have a TypeKey or TypePad account, please Sign In 3 Hikers Swept Over Falls at Yosemite National Park Believed to Be Dead.

Published July 20, 2011. Print; Email; Share; Comments; Recommend; Tweet. YosemiteWaterfal.jpg. The Tahoe Tribune. In this April 16, 2009 file photo BY Sara Catania / / 4 minutes ago Print Park officials at Yosemite National Park said search-and-rescue crews would continue their search for three people feared dead after witnesses said they fell from Vernal Fall. The hearing in Delaware will focus BY Sara Catania / / 4 minutes ago Print Park officials at Yosemite National Park said search-and-rescue crews would continue their search for three people feared dead after witnesses said they fell from Vernal Fall.

Tambov School

The base center decided to do school in Voronezh. In Tambov School of territory twice, has a higher certification commission for the protection of theses, which is not in Voronezh. In Tambov biggest and best professors – teaching staff. But the old housing is built in 1915. Previously, it was because the Cavalry School. But there is a free and barracks.

At the end of December 2008 closed the school in Irkutsk. Planes all students and teachers of the war moved to Voronezh. They wanted the best, but it turned out, as always. Of – for lack of barracks students and teachers were placed in enclosures in prison. It's not up to school just to survive, eat, sleep. There are not enough classrooms, housing, housing for officers. Started dysentery.

Validation of the General Staff looked at the work of the authorities, they were afraid and sent in January fifth year aircraft back to Irkutsk write diplomas. And then wait for college students from Stavropol, and then from Tambov. But you can also leave in Tambov, not school, a branch of the Institute, Voronezh. The military did not go after everything in Voronezh, some retired from the army and will join unemployed. Them and so not enough of – the crisis. But there are also several hundred civilian personnel: teachers, laboratory assistants, technical and service staff – they go public. Strange situation: reducing the army officers – although mostly seniors. Schools also reduce the military. So lieutenants will be less. And in the armed forces – namely the lack of junior officers, lieutenants, captains. Where is the logic? Although there is hope. According to some reports, in Tambov 'Link' set will still be, though less than last year. Source: City Wall

WINAICO Offers Insurance Protection

In the future also plants with WINAICO WST series modules can be assured the comprehensive insurance protects the entire photovoltaic system from almost all property damage, business interruption losses and possible reduced income. When purchasing from WINAICO plant operators get for free this insurance cover for the period of two years modules. In addition, the operator has the possibility to extend the insurance coverage for eight years on a total of ten years. New is that the insurance from 2014 for the modules of the WINAICO WST series can be completed. Here are the first two years but not free of charge included and the insurance conditions differ from the already known terms for the WSP series. Also, the insurance can be offered in the future in all European countries. In addition, WINAICO from January 2014 offered a similar insurance protection for Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Australia, Philippines and United States. We have our 3 in 1 “insurance package already in the year 2011 introduced, to provide even more safety our customers and the plant operators.

While many of our competitors already completely retreated from the market can no longer offer an insurance package of its kind, we have even extended the package and WST modules can offer insurance from next year also for the WINAICO”, as Sascha Rossmann, international sales manager at WINAICO. Out the insurance package worked together with the Willis GmbH & co. KG, one of the leading global insurance brokers. Secured the scope of insurance is the renowned European insurance company ERGO Versicherung AG. The fact that WINAICO directly supplies its customers is crucial for the outstanding performance and the attractive terms to the contract extension, in addition to the stringent measures for quality assurance.

WINAICO manufacturer and system supplier as a 100% subsidiary of the semiconductor company win win Precision technology co., Ltd., headquartered in Taiwan manufactures and distributes world’s crystalline high-performance modules WINAICO. In addition, WINAICO as a system House for photovoltaic delivers complete PV system packages. Customers of the company are solar specialists, solar installers, installers and project planners. Installers benefiting from above-average product quality, the products manufactured in Taiwan according to highest quality standards as well as the comprehensive consulting, planning and services by WINAICO. A generous storage ensures the rapid availability of the WINAICO products. Press contact: WINAICO Germany GmbH Marketing Europe: Katharina link Tel.: + 49 7933 700 30-16 fax: + 49 7933 700 30-22 E-mail:

German Federal Supreme Court Confirms

The German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) has confirmed year separate payment arrangements this in Karlsruhe on 6 November concluded with the customer for insurance products. The AFA AG welcomes this decision. Therefore, it is allowed that insurance agents conclude a separate agreement to equalize costs with customers. The AFA AG from Cottbus had brought this decision to obtain legal certainty on the issue of separate payment arrangements, such as, for example, the cost equalization agreement (KAV). The Supreme Court gave law the OLG Naumburg with its decision in favor of such separate payment arrangements in its rejection of the revision, that 2012 fundamentally had taken a position on this issue. The Naumburg judges had at that time already ruled that the conclusion of so-called “net policies” with an independently regulated remuneration between the representative and customer are allowed instead of traditional policies with an internal compensation claim (“gross policies”). By AFA Separate agreements represent AG mediated cost offsets (KAV). In particular the judges of the Oberlandesgericht now confirmed by the Federal Court of Justice pointed out that this net policies model from customer point of view even above all with regard to the cost structure is more transparent.

Also the closing costs for the buyer could be a total lower, because this model of separate agreement the compensation can be calculated lower and risk premiums does not need to be done differently for the case of a premature termination of the insurance as at a gross police. The German Federal Supreme Court follows as a result of the reasoning of the Court and established the groundbreaking ruling also so that a separate remuneration does not exceed the scope of the permission as Versicherungsvertreterin .den “and it indeed in principle is acceptable to make consulting activities of the intermediary to the subject of contractual paid arrangements. The verdict is in particular the customers of AFA AG look forward and confirm in their decision which have elected a market once recognized costs transparent and beneficial model with the separate cost equalization agreement of protection and prevention. About AFA AG General financial and Assekuranzvermittlung (AFA AG), an independent financial sales based in Berlin and Cottbus, and over 20 years of experience successfully on the market is established. The insurance professionals and system business of AFA AG have a Chamber of Commerce degree and are registered in the EU register of brokers. They work in accordance with the EU directive for financial services. Every year the AFA AG provides nationwide 750 free training places available and promotes 250 young entrepreneurs. New office locations are planned in all Germany.

Study English

Study English in England is faster and better studies most never stop and kept updated throughout life. Such is the case of English where practice makes the master and not would have accommodated without sufficient communication quality teaching, whether oral or written. Therefore, the English courses in England give sufficient guarantee that you will learn the theory with the same intensity that practice, grammar will be on par with the conversation, supported in a welcoming and supportive environment. It is always best to go to the source of knowledge to achieve the best results. In the case of a language, the course English Ireland and England give you the support of learning faster and better, inter alia by the following: as soon your country of English environment salts will be present in all activity to encourage you to lose your fear to express yourself.

Relies on the experience of several years and thousands of students from all parts of the world, allowing to refine the method and the means of teaching English. England and Ireland are quintessential a destination enjoyed by all young people to pursue their studies of all kinds, because it has quality, institutions, technology and adequate teachers. The proximity to other European countries allows students to make contacts and travel to integrate into the European world of antiquity and modernity. An entire culture together to benefit and to welcoming you all and each of the students. The study of English in England and Ireland’s offers a special value because they represent the cradle of culture and universal music, which feels in every place you visit. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn and improve the language in one of the most important development centers of the world. Source: Press release sent by jcmedinave.

Technology Partner

The YouCon cube integrates communication systems with SAP ERP and SAP CRM Munich, the 24th December 2013 the YouCon GmbH is a technology partner of unify. Linking different telephone systems with SAP applications is the essential feature of the CTI middleware YouCon cube. Because communication systems of from different vendors are used in many enterprises and contact centers, a close cooperation with the respective manufacturers is necessary for the smooth integration of the YouCon cube. The recording in the international technology partner program of unify, formerly Siemens Enterprise Communications, ensures that the YouCon cube ideally harmonizes with the communication systems of unify. Unify is a global company, present with its products for many decades. The communication solutions enjoy an excellent reputation and are used in businesses of any size and alignment. Also in contact centers is used often on technology unify”, explains Peter Kugler, founder and Managing Director to make the YouCon GmbH. our new YouCon cube for as many companies, close cooperation with unify for us is indispensable.

Inclusion in the technology partner program is the best prerequisite for this.” The YouCon cube is a CTI middleware, which serves professional voice data integration in the SAP environment and which consists of various modules. The software is based on the integration into SAP CRM and SAP ERP. By linking the data with the respective PBX, callers are identified automatically. Employees, for example, in the contact center, have access to the correct customer data at all times. The YouCon cube integrates all digital channels such as social media, email and fax in addition to the telephony. This information will be associated with each customer and provide comprehensive care. Multi session capability ensures that time-critical actions are automatically detected and front lined. Because systems are used worldwide by unify, YouCon is contact center now unify advanced technology partner”in the Technology has been absorbed.

Kulinaristen Put

15prozent exhibition discount on handmade organic pasta Speyer, 14.12.2013 – the Kulinaristen go with a bang in the new year 2014 and have used the opportunity, for the first time on the VeggieWorld 2014 in Wiesbaden to exhibit, which is carried out in cooperation with the German Vegetarier Germany e.V. as a carrier in the Rhein-main halls. 2013, the fair reached more than 20,000 visitors and visitors, with around 50 exhibitors. Also 2014, numerous and exciting lectures to vegetarian products, raw food, vegan oriented life style, etc. are expected.

We are very curious on the history of VeggieWorld in Wiesbaden”the Managing Director of Kulinaristen Birgit Roth. For a Start-Up like us, a fair is always also a logistical challenge over three days. To find the Kulinaristen under in the network, developed a new label for high quality food, organic and raw foods. “Who products under the brand name the Kulinaristen ‘ purchases can be sure that they no flavour enhancers, contain no dyes and preservatives and no artificial binders. The online shop is certified according to en-eco-007.

More and more people are interested in a sustainable lifestyle and choose deliberately to deal themselves with their environment and to waive all meat consumption. In politics, too, this issue is gaining importance and is hotly debated. The Green trend is characterised also in demand for exhibit space. Due to the great response last February 8 exhibitors will present at the next fair in addition to the foyer in the entire Hall their vegetarian and vegan products. Especially business founders and young companies that engage in the future of our planet and are doing at the same time continue to pay are among the exhibitors. Also the visitor structure makes it clear that the eco-friendly idea especially with the young people strongly rooted… continue reading contact person for the press: Birgit Roth Bahnhofstrasse 7 67346 Speyer + 49 06232 / 6729711

The Same

I’ll condemn if you make a mistake by negligence or omission. Remember that you’ve chosen a career that you committed for the rest of your life. You can commit and in fact those commit, many errors in your profession. The sentence that says, we all know that if there are 10 doctors gathered around a patient safety that there will be 11 different diagnoses. Medicine is an art, not a science, and therefore errors can occur, despite how much you spend to it and worry continue permanently. These errors are all forgivable, but not those that you mentioned. And of course your friends will be the same fate. Never doubt these words.– be brother it-, said Natasha while he made a gesture indicating that he had recorded in his mind, his words.

You’ve said a hundred times in the latter years. I have it etched fire. I promise that will do everything that this my best not to disappoint you. – Can’t – emphatically said his brother-remember it! Later, along with her parents, approached the car to congratulate Ruth and Gladys, who had not wanted to go down, because it was quite uncomfortable to descend in the car when they were located in the rear seat. -Congratulate them all.-affectionately told the brother-all three deserved this final. They have worked hard for years to get it, but at the end, it is of you.

-Ya know, both Ruth and I, – said with a mocking air Gladys to Natasha’s brother, while loomed a little his head through the front window – that we can not make that mistake. That you yourself you ordered send us to jail-. -I’m glad for you that have it present-, said brother very seriously. – As to not have it, with the times that we’ve threatened, said Ruth – but none we will give you that taste. You will not get a job at coast our, that we guarantee it with emphasis. -It is not my intention get a working extra, my intention is to make them understand that ye were those who freely chose that profession and have a commitment to meet. – And we will do it, he continued saying Ruth, don’t doubt it. We have the magnitude of the responsibilities we have acquired – very present. -Congratulations to all of you: you doctors, – the mother of Natasha said, approaching the window of the car, while she walked away to his son of the same, trying to put an end to the theme that cargosamente maintained.