Britain ELCON

ELCONs remote feed system helps operators optimize their fiber rollout and accelerated the market introduction ELCONs remote power supply system (RPS 1600) offers a unique opportunity to optimize the distribution of energy and to take full advantage of this bandwidth and performance of connected via optical fibre access networks. ELCONs RPS 1600 allows operators access networks savings of up to 40% of the costs incurred in the fibre-optic expansion for power supply and operation Regardless of the regional electricity distributors, the times for the establishment of FTTX can be and small cell networks shorten By continuing to use the existing copper wire network, a defined output of up to 15 watts over a distance of 6 km along a copper wire pair is guaranteed High energy efficiency of over 90% on the participants page Hartmannsdorf, 17 Dec 2013 – the rising demand for higher bandwidth and faster Internet connections forcing network operators continually to optimize their networks and develop. The To meet requirements of the end customer, access networks must be converted and completed closer to the customer and on glass fibre. The glass fibres is up to the KvZ (FTTC), an external network node (FTTN), or a distribution point in the vicinity of the building (FTTdp) in fixed networks. The fiber end is all these variants to a remote location and the active device technology requires an own power supply. The number of cells increases constantly in mobile networks, so that the network’s performance with the limited available spectrum. Therefore, mobile operators have now started with the construction of “small cells” or “HetNets” (mixed networks).

This requires more sites with “small cells”, which must be fed locally. Operation and maintenance of power supply systems for access networks are now more complex and expensive. In addition, the times for laying glass fibre, as the coordination of various regional utilities will be extended in These distribution networks is the real challenge. Secure network operation and service in event of power failure, need many new locations of battery systems for emergency electricity supply, causing considerable investment and ongoing maintenance costs. All of this provides network operators face major challenges: you must plan investments and at the same time provide a fast payback on these costs. ELCONs new remote power system (RPS) will help operators cope with this task. ELCON has many years of experience with remote power technologies in networks of leading network operators.

“The rising demand for fiber optic access networks is a big challenge for many network operators on the one hand, for but also the opportunity to optimize their current distribution in the increasingly complex network structures. The operating costs be a centralised food distribution control much more efficiently and achieve significant cost savings”, emphasizes Werner Neubauer, CEO at ELCON. About ELCON: ELCON Systemtechnik GmbH is a leading provider of innovative and future-oriented telecommunications solutions in the areas of network access and food distribution. With a focus on optimization of telecommunications networks, ELCON is leader in remote power solutions and network completion technology for private and business customers, as well as mobile phone services. ELCON has sold more than 10 million products worldwide to leading telecommunications operators in 34 countries. founded in 1990 and headquartered German, ELCON maintains two research and development centers, a State of the art manufacturing facility in Germany, as well as sales and service centres in Germany, France, Italy, Britain and Austria. More information under: your contact person: ELCON Systemtechnik GmbH Katarina Schinke Tel.: + 49 3722 7351-331 E-Mail:

Drainage Pipes

Drainage pipes – drainage pipes are part of the drainage system and are the main working body. Drainage is used since ancient times and are made of different materials. Today culverts made from polyethylene because this material has several advantages over the others. In the first instance to the main advantage of drainage pipes hdpe include their longitudinal stiffness at the same time axial flexibility. The service life of culverts is a term of about 50 years, and their weight is negligible, which greatly facilitates their installation (for comparison: one bay drainage pipe diameter of 110 mm and weighs about 25 killogramm, and one bay pipe diameter of 160 mm and weighs about 50 killogramm). Drainage pipes manufactured by pbt are a quality product, which in comparison with analogues produced competitors has the following advantages: the holes in the drainage pipes do not pierce or make their way as most analogues, which makes two significant advantages. First, the holes in the drainage pipes are closed, as in the hole tube is left hanging material (in the case of a puncture drainage pipes such residues may block the drain pipe and eventually stop working). Secondly, the width of the hole can adjust the width of slotted mills, ie, holes can be of any depth and width, depending on customer needs. Also, it ensures success of the drainage system as a whole, as in the case of siltation of the drainage holes continues to successfully work. Drainage pipes wrapped in a protective filter material (geotextile), which provides protection for the holes in the drainage pipes from silting. To purchase culverts wholesale or retail, please contact our managers listed on the site phones.

The Causes of Art

etc. In fact, any person engaged in selling daily, even if his work is directly connected with them. For example, selling a child the idea that he went to bed, or selling the idea to her husband, so he bought a fur coat. You can cite many examples on this topic. We sell ideas, products, opinions, orders, what we like, dislike, and more.

There is a very simple and precise definition of sale. SALES – ART IS CHANGING VIEWS OF ANOTHER PERSON about anything, this puts him DESIRE to do something. To be effective salesperson, you first need to learn to take care of a man … "Now I can tell you this the most important thing in real estate sales and more. In any case, sit back. Attention! – Sold ideas, not objects! Understand this well. It is really important! You never sell your property, even an ideal buyer, if, before that, have not sold him the idea of the desirability and attractiveness of most of this purchase, just for him! The ideas are primary – and only objects of the investigation of previous ideas.

We are interested in a result – the object was sold, then it's time to take care of the causes of those ideas, which, after their sensible use and create such investigation. There are two main aspects, both equally important. This is the content of the ideas and ways of its location (messages, reports it to the appropriate terminal.) Let's start with the first, with the content.


We are made in the image and likeness of God and, therefore, are unique with intelligence, rationality and spirituality. We all have skills and talents that we can develop. We all have an enormous potential within ourselves. That potential is virtually unlimited. Everything that we are able to imagine and visualize can achieve this. Many of the barriers that limit our actions are mental barriers than ourselves, at some point in our lives and sometimes without realizing, we have set out.

These barriers prevent us to develop the enormous potential that we all have. Necessary to eliminate those mental barriers to succeed, be happy and enjoy life to the fullest. Always, remember if you think you can, you can; If you think you can’t, you can’t, everything is in our thoughts and our mental attitude. Anything that you can visualize and wanting to can be yours if you propose it, a goal is set to achieve it and acts according to a specific plan. We must all recognize that there is great abundance in the world. This is a reality, we need to convince ourselves of this; There is great abundance in everything around us and there are also great abundance within ourselves. When we appreciate the nature, we can see abundance and Marvel why.

In the celestial Vault there are millions of stars, many still undiscovered. There are millions of fish of various species in oceans, seas and rivers. The flora and fauna and Earth are composed of millions of species. There are variety of minerals, metals, and hydrocarbons in the earth itself. There’s plenty of oxygen and other gases in the air that surrounds us. In our world there is abundance everywhere. All, also have an abundance of mental and spiritual resources that we use to make us fully within ourselves. The unlimited potential that we possess is part of the abundance that exists in this world.

Mendoza Tunuyan

Tunuyn is one of the smallest departments of the province of Mendoza. Located in the central part, and with a more or less triangular form, one of his sides it limits with the Republic of Chile. On little than 3300 kilometers squared more, it counts on a population of about 50,000 inhabitants. Thanks to his enormous attractive tourist ones it is possible to find alojaminto in Mendoza (Tunuyn) of all the categories and different prices, from modest inns to exclusive hotels five stars, and hotels boutique, the latest in tendencies in tourism. Tunuyn lodges the famous Valley of Uco, site of origin of appreciated wines more of the world. In addition, in this place blessed by an enormous beauty, it is possible to realise a circuit of religious tourism, with old and historical chapels. The parish Our Lady of the Carmen is an excellent departure point to enter in a trip that puts in contact with the divinity and the religious fervor to us.

From here, following denominated the footpath Running Productive we arrived until Dry Villa, where we will find the sanctuary Helping Maria and the chapel San Judas Tadeo, in the Trees. This last temple shows a particular beauty product of the natural erosion that the time has produced in its facade. More ahead in the route, in the locality of Vista Flowers the chapel of the Immaculate Conception of Maria can be visited, where a oratory exists consecrated the virgin of the Rosary. Following by route 94, in a completely rural atmosphere is the chapel of San Antonio, in a place of incredible natural beauty. But for those who are loving of the extreme sports, the valley of Uco is the indicated site to find an ample trowel of possibilities.

For those who enjoy the cavalcades, it is possible to be said that there is no better place in the planet. There is an enormous amount of footpaths and already drawn up that allows a safe and extremely funny route. Another possibility is to practice rapel, where the enormous stony strong walls are offered to be conquered by the fans. The aquatic fishing and activities find the places perfect to do practiced. mighty Tunuyn river suffers, throughout its extensive route, with a river basin of more than 33,000 km, a series of endicados in order to obtain hydroelectric energy. This allows the formation of different artificial reservorios or Lagos that are lent beautifully for the mentioned activities. The tourism in Mendoza finds in the Valley of Uco a zone that has known to interpret the demands and the flood of great volume of visitors who arrive these earth.

The Way

The ego is the part of us that believes that we were separated from the divinity which we were created. While here, believing that they are separated, they will not understand the powers that are obtained when we discover the way to connect back to the source, and become quiet, become someone who is in conscious contact with its source. When to stop behind the ego and the idea that they are separated from this source, and again to connect to it, you will gain access to all their powers, creating life and preserve it, cure, fill the life of abundance, do relationships to be divine and beautiful, thank, be miraculous powers. When one takes a spiritual approach to life, it begins to see attached to the world and all things and the competition is replaced by something called collaboration. And when you see another human being suffering, fighting, you know that a part of you suffer and struggle and begin to reach out rather than retract you and think: do in that sense me that affect to my?. Spiritual being is not about being better than someone else, true nobility has nothing to do with being better than another. It consists in that one is better than it was.

If someone would give them a blow, and they lose the ability to think all their problems would disappear. Spiritual means joy, tranquility, love, kindness, forgiveness, means to live these principles feeling connected and knowing that you are infinite. Then comes the solution. This is the ability to introduce to your something that makes life than what we call problems disappear, dissolve and are cancelled. It continues but publish it in another article. Free download this audio book here. (book no. 15) Visit my blog: original author and source of the article.


A majority rejected the blandishments and have become able to recognize and then develop their potential, knowledge and actions. When you realize your inner worth, your potential and to face the challenges of life you have to learn skills and talents that kept full of fear, insecurity and ignorance, you become a caterpillar in a cocoon coming out being butterfly. You realize that knowledge to promote and broadcast your talents besides making you achieve your goals, it makes others feel motivated to grow and feel motivated to achieve the same growth targets. For entrepreneurs who are going after their dreams sublime, Selling is much more than make another purchase, because we’re talking just to make dreams reality, that’s what we sell. In order to “sell” our dreams, we have to have dreams that can be shared and thus also not talk to the minds of people but speak his mind: “The Best sellers are the best leaders … this is the power to speak to the spirit of the people “… all great teachers have been sellers.

Look at Buddha, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Mohamed. “Robert Kiyosaki Great leaders spent nearly always very similar circumstances that you can be happening now. I speak from you and from what happens within you, in your heart, because once experienced something very similar or equal. That makes them share experience and knowledge from the spirit of man. Finally, you also need to constantly reinforce that rejection is part of the process of growth and learning. Being rejected can improve and above all realize that rejection is only one way to confirm our value and grow in perseverance, discipline and knowledge.

Also note that there is no person with great success are not rejected by many people. The great leaders of human history had, at some point perhaps more rejection than acceptance. “People poor are poor because they can not sell … or have nothing to sell. A poor nation is a nation with nothing to sell or a nation that can not sell what you have. The same is true with a person. There are many very talented people, but can not sell their talents. They can be very intelligent, but are merely mediocre communicators. “” If you’re looking to be successful in life, then seeks to be rejected more times and then make the necessary corrections “Robert Kiyosaki

Influence Wealth

The distances of the tarot of the love are of most frequent, since the sentimental area usually is problematic. Some arcane ones extremely are identified with loving questions. An example is the Enamored ones, since it is clear that when this letter is exposed, mainly if it appears of noninverted way, is an excellent augury on the future of the relation. Nevertheless, other arcane ones, mainly the minors, do not have a meaning so clearly attributable. So it is the case of golds, wood of the deck especially related to the material fortune, and, sometimes, the spiritual. The ace of gold marks a project that begins or, and everything what begins or, has good auguries. Also it shows a fertile land to us where if good ideas are planted, the harvest will be extraordinary.

Consequently, it is a very favorable letter for the enamored ones. The three of gold show a peculiar message to us: who works arduously, she will receive his prize. In the case of a relation, the message is unequivocal: perhaps it is necessary to work a little in that relation more, to put more if so that the things are as the consulting one wishes. The nine of gold are the letter of the perfection. It indicates to us, indubitablemente, that the perfect love has arrived at our door.

When this letter leaves exposed, the consulting one must right to be glad and to rejoice, so that the blessing that hoped with anxiety has arrived. And not only that, is deserving of the love; it is not that it has arrived by chance, but the person with whom has understood that the consulting one is a valuable person. Paje of golds is a letter emissary of the good news. Consequently, when this letter appears exposed in the distance, it implies that the romance can have a final favorable. And if the love has not arrived, in a moment it will arrive. The gold king is a letter that attracts the wealth, but this wealth not always is material. Not in vain the well-known popular song says Three things has in the life, health, money and love. In many occasions, the love has more value for the consulting one that the money, or the material wealth, and that is what this letter means: the announcement of the spiritual wealth that the true one love brings prepared. These are some of naipes of the wood of the golds that can leave developings in the distance the tarot of the love. One treats, in the majority of the cases, of a great spiritual wealth that emerges from the arrival of the true love, one of the most important events in the life of the human beings.

The Society

Pointing out that this trend is proper of the democratic and plebeian cultures, the philosopher concludes that, even so the tradition still if he makes to feel, we, ‘ ‘ modern men, us in them we find in this way and each time that a man starts to discover where measured he plays a role, how much he can be comedian, comediante’ becomes; ‘ , therefore, entering in a species of game, more it does not believe that ‘ can; ‘ to count, to promise, to make plans for futuro’ ‘. The situation has a positive direction because the individual sovereignty and the hierarchic order looked by the thinker estimate the sprouting of a capable, first man, of if disentailing of the papers prescribed for its society but, after that and over all, to create and to live new ideals politicians, aesthetic and philosophical. The potential contained there was not, however, insurance to the eyes of the thinker. The modern culture is, without a doubt, each less serious time but this does not assure that the type artist will predominate on the comedian, will arrive at the supremacy in the future, because this does not scrumble an actor, is before more nothing a sculptor of itself exactly, the creator of new values..

Yo El Supremo Narrative

Through the violence and of its ' ' poder' ' staff it looked for to make solid its image that it mixed the one of a free nation. The historical narrative of ' ' Yo El Supremo' ' as ' ' espao' ' it was primordial so that it was possible implantation of an ideology of full domination in all the sectors of the Paraguayan society. For in such a way, we focus here, the universe of the literary narrative, the construction of public works, the assemblies, the conservation of palacetes and castles, as well as aspects of the life summon of the dictator in the way of controverted feelings as the inserted envy and the admiration in its circle to be able, its contradictory and paranico behavior, when the personage places in evidence a mixture of to be able total with a madness capable to make of its simpler personal wills the will general of the people, the dither of fanatic form for its subjects, miscigenando one feelings maniquesmo mark of and alternated by the love and the hatred, the solitude and the collectivism. The determination of the supreme power of the dictator possua a related optic spread to the transformation of the historical moment which Paraguay was living at the moment of the action historical narrative and, giving wing to an independence focused in the figure of a leader with being able ample, being this indispensable one for ideological engineering in the conduction of that government. It governed in such a way carrying through a skillful set of accomplishments of public works of basic importance for its personal project, as for, thus, ludibriar to the people, deviating its eyes of the antidemocratic acts committed by Francia. , For in such a way it needed the organization of a laicizado State to a nationalized education loaded of elements politicians capable to engrandecer each time more the image of the Dictator and, for consequence, of Paraguay.