For Demon

What it confers your teaching activity, based in its values, as it is placed in the world, its to know, you distress, desires, and the direction that is to be professor in its life, this next to its relations with other professors and other institutions. To be actor and author of its identity seems to express, or better, to load all the abrangncia that involves the being professor. In this dynamic context, sped up that the world if presents, the professor has a giant challenge to construct and to keep its identity. For Demon (2004), the profession of the professor will be each valued time more, in function of the intensive society of the knowledge and also which had to the right to learn. An encouraging, important affirmation for the professional professor.

But that professional professor? That one that if really identifies as professor? That one that another one identity. As Demon (2004), all the professions suffer incontido consuming, if mainly inserted in the disrupitiva dynamics of the knowledge. the professor in special is whitened by this consuming. But at the same time it is the profession most promising, therefore the learning demand will go to increase, is a necessity of the society and thus the essential educator will be part for the future of the same one. Ahead of the reflection explored for Demon, one thinks that the professional, when making its choice for the docncia, will have to watch over for its> identity, to construct it continuously inside of a professor proposal personal who learns that he is in tune with the context which is inserted. Made use to breach with the traditional reproduction of the knowledge. to think about strategies as educator of this future society.

Accounting Salary

List of personnel involved in calculating the data in this cell is shown on Sheet 2 of this report document in table 'Employees in the cell 8160'. 6. The cell included 8170 data timecard employees (see Accounting Labor form in display mode, the results of a report card), which worked 100% of the fund of working time and amount of charges that make up the payroll (accounting registers with the categories accounting 'basic salary' 'Extra pay', 'Other rewards and compensation'), is less than or equal to the minimum salary for the period. List of personnel involved in calculating the data in this cell, shown on Sheet 2 of this report document in table 'Employees in the cell 8170'. 7. The cell included 8180 data on staff salaries are appointed for the post staffing at the date of completion period of analysis is less than or equal to the minimum salary for the period. Data on salary, the employee who was appointed during the period of the report are taken from the edit form with the Work to the date of appointment salary. Calling the edit form Work can be done with bookmarks 'Prices' panel further information see Accounting forms of labor, with the tab 'tariff' edit form data on the employee (Human Resources -> Personnel records of employees -> tab 'Accounting for employees' -> action 'Change description of employees'). List of personnel involved in calculating the data in this cell is shown on Sheet 2 of the current reporting document in the table 'Employees in the cell 8180'.

Continues Appearing

Why it seems that they like to cling to the past? In the relations it is considerably more common to take to the failures of the past, indiscretions, the discords, feelings, problems, which is. The problem is He is this healthful one? I would say that probably no. He is ideal? Definitively no, but unfortunately, all we are human. If the always perfect relations were day after day, then he would be a little boring. But the question is like forgetting Nevertheless the past in a relation, the fight that continuous on the past means that, or, both, it seems that they cannot follow ahead. That could be because it is perceived that the feelings were not listened to before, or because the problem continues existing, but definitively is not doing well to anyone of you whenever it comes.

So, how to follow ahead? Good, that has so much of same you as adult and to put itself in agreement to leave it in the forgetfulness. If your or your pair is not arranged to do that or it is not preparations to continue, to be honest and to say to him to the other person which this happening to you, does not concern the painful thing who is. Otherwise, they persist and they will persist and your relation will be broken. If both agree to follow ahead, sincerely, then you need to really forget and to follow ahead. The question that there is to ask itself – Why not to forget and to pardon? To leave the past is not simple task but he is vital These discussions can happen several times, but they must be boarded otherwise never you would be resolveran and my bet is that it is going to happen enough to frequency if is allowed that this happens. It maintains in mind that sometimes the things are going to happen for any reason, a fight or discord, or that the person feels annoying by which she does not have anything to do with you and is a way to express her wrath.

New Agreement

In the previous article, we speak, in general lines, on the New Agreement and develop some ortogrficas perspectives how much to the use of some letters. We also mark point in the learning of ' ' S' ' of ' ' Z' ' of the words. Today, we will write a little on the referring change to hifens. At a first moment, we observe a fact in relation to the change of hfens, when considering the didactic-metodolgica information, therefore ' ' dzia&#039 changed six for stocking; ': before, the rule was not very well understood; now, the New ortogrfico Agreement, the difficulty for many people still seems to exist. This discloses in them, on the other hand, an interesting advantage: all we are worried in understanding as the new rule of hfens functions! For this challenge, we again consider the coherence of our proposal that consists of studying the concepts of the grammar with criterion; the rule of hifens cannot be, thus, so complicated; e, in fact, the new agreement simplified a little more the previous rule. We can until saying that it facilitated more the setting of hifens in the words.

Let us start then with a strategical clarification: the composed words that possuam hyphen, those that already kept its phonetic independence (sound) and of felt (meant), as ' ' it keeps-roupa' ' , ' ' foot-of-moleque' ' , ' ' door-retrato' ' etc, will continue with the hyphen. Words that had lost, in its structure also exist, the notion of phonetic autonomy and direction, forming only one vocbulo without this ' ' ponte' ' of linking, that is the hyphen. Illustrating: ' ' planalto' ' , ' ' aguardente' ' , ' ' girassol' '. Now, in the New Agreement, they had been inserted, although the controversy, the words ' ' mandachuva' ' ' ' paraquedas' ' , for example.

British Encyclopedia Subjects

Diverse means aim at that one of the central subjects of Bilderberg 2010 will return to be the economic situation of the countries of the south of Europe (Portugal, Italy, Spain and Greece) and Ireland, calls PIGS by their initials in English. These sources aim at an intervention of government president Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero in the sense to offer confidence to the international investors the press is prohibited. Nobody informs envelope which there one struggles, are no official photos. The annual meetings of this select association, well-known like Bilderberg Club, are held from 1954 in " a strict atmosphere of secretismo". Thus it defines the very same British Encyclopedia. They defend themselves of the accusations of " oscurantismo" alleging that they are not " a secret club, but privado". On the matter adds to us, that according to the experts in Bilderberg, the Club works according to the system of concentric circles.

Concretely, this association counts on a directive committee – the Steering Comitte- made up of forty people. These choose to the guests of the edition of this year according to the anticipated thematic agenda. The norm more or less established is that each one of the members of the directive committee invite other two people. Altogether, one hundred fifty people at the most. The members of the Steering Comitte debate on the most discreet subjects. Later, the long hundred of assistants holds other meetings of more general character.

In no of the cases, the conclusions will become public, although in the last years final notes of press are emitted in which the subjects treated during the intense weekend are enunciated. One of the most repeated is the one of the nuclear power. Recently, the biotechnology is another one of the subjects stars. Also in last editions, the secretariat of the Bilderberg Group makes a list with almost all the participants public.

Principle External

If not outside because our mind says to us that we needed this or that one or catalogues east good or bad moment of, we could be happy here and now Even as simple thoughts as must have left sun, prevents us to enjoy this wonderful cloudy day Principle 3: The secret: You can control your thoughts. Perhaps you have been able to notice the difficult thing that he is this. Perhaps you can levantarte in the morning and decirte today I am not going to think? or Today I will only have positive thoughts? Difficult truth? As Byron Katie says, the thoughts are like rain, simply appear. You cannot control your thoughts but you question when them they leave of afectarte. When you question your estresantes thoughts and you see that what you consider negative or a problem not is it, then your perception of the life changes and the thoughts although they appear in your mind no longer affect to you. Example is like of serpent and rope, while you believe that the rope that you see far is a serpent you will suffer and you will not want to advance but you approach a little and are able to see that serpent in fact is a then rope the belief that it is a serpent no longer can affect to you, has seen the truth and is free to advance and to enjoy the way Principle 4: The secret: it teaches to you to attract external things to create the wished life. If I believe that my happiness depends on the money, the pair, the recognition, the health, then few opportunities I have of being happy, the people and external things do not depend on my, and I will be constantly suffering to control them, not to have them or by the fear to lose them? Your happiness does not depend external don’t mention it you do not hope to have money, pair, health nor recognition to be it. .

National Institute

The typical conduct consists of executing acts of culture, elaboration or traffic or otherwise to promote, to favor or to facilitate the illegal drug consumption or to own them with those aims. a) Culture, elaboration or traffic. – The acts of culture, elaboration or drug traffic do not pose special problems. Perhaps solely, on the one hand, regarding the more and more frequent culture of plants of marijuana and on the authenticity or not of the possession of the seeds and equipment for seedtime and, on the other, on the traffic acts and what concepts are included in the same. 1.a) The culture. – The culture of the cannabis plants sativa when it intends the own consumption is not typical, according to a repeated jurisprudence, but when it exceeds the amounts indicated by the National Institute of Toxicology as own of the normal consumption of a person, then this conduct yes is encuadrable in the type of Art.

368, interjection 1. Therefore, in the case of occupation of plants to an individual, to determine if the same are or no for the own consumption it will be necessary to calculate: a) First of all, the weight of the same and to discount those nonexcellent parts (earth, roots, trunk and branches) that habitually pays attention to a 40%. b) The consumption is of the dry parts reason why next it is necessary to discount between 80 and a 85% of water of the plant. c) The resultant, without being a mathematical criterion, since it would have to be put under on approval expert in each tactical mission, will be the part of the consumable plant like marijuana and that amount is the one that will be to consider to appreciate if the drug were for own consumption or no. For example: We find 20 plants that weigh 50 kg altogether (including trunk, roots and others).


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Human Rights More

Prezados Friends and Brothers in Jesus Christ. It wanted to reveal, to all, that today I woke up with an inexplicably huge Joy. Of where it came so great Joy, it asked to me, when I bound the TV. vi a news article of the Periodical of the Globe that explained: The ONU is creating a law that it determines that the Man (and women, children, etc) have the RIGHT the HAPPINESS. Something as the Human Rights. in the Brazilian congress (very small proposital) Mr.

Cristovo Buarque (if it will not be little matters) is creating one same law to be voted for Brazil. (' ' That Beleza' ' as the esportivo speaker says By the way) -, to discover extraordinary things, is proper of the cristovos …… We will not have more lixes, omde the rats and urubus coexist entire families now searching foods …… will not in general have sick more and women in labor with problems in the public and private hospitals Brazilian education will enter in the age of the biggest schools of the world, it is not without reason that the Haward director – (I do not know Portuguese English and nor) it comes to Brazil to take students Brazilians to study there also he has already meetings set appointments with a member of the house of representatives, I do not know if of psdb, if of psb or pmdb, I do not know the name well, but me it seems to be CHULAPA or CHULIPA, considered, the Pope of the Brazilian uneducated ……. house for all with all infrastructure – that he will pass to be called ' ' my house, mine felicidade' ' . to the signed being this law for our president, the corruption will leave to exist ….. . .e in the world will not have more wars, the Children of Etipia, Somlia and of the world all, after the publication of the decree, will be gordinhas and exempt of any sequelas of the problems of greets the law previous …….

I go to stop this way to tan, since already, so great happiness and because I do not obtain more to write therefore the tears are jumping to the keyboard, not leaving to see me the same. . .tudo already on account of this happiness. Congratulations for all. Already we are living ' ' NEW ERA' ' ' ' HAPPY GLOBALIZAO' ' obs: but as we always have somebody to confuse wonderful ideas, as a certain Norwegian young, sees a little of the poem of a certain Portuguese young (of Portugal) ' ' the happiness is where the pomes but the pomes where never we are ' ' as it says jabour ' ' we go to be happy and that the world that if lixe' '

Brazilian Services

3, interpolated propositions I the XXII, of Law 116/03. It occurs, however that in such a way, beyond consisting of the law and as it defends this author the City is the active citizen of this obligation and in face of the beginning of the strict legality, so that if it can charge the ISSQN of the service rendering, it by means of proper Usual Law must be instituted (SUZIGAN, 2011). I resell some authors, perceives it unamimity in questionings concerning this taxation. For Chagas (2011) the services given for societies formed for these professionals, will be citizens to the tax on the basis of a fixed annual value, calculated in accordance with the number of professionals integrate who them. Since in the terms of art. 9, paragraph 3, of DL 406/68, is assured to these societies the right to the differentiated treatment of the ISS.

This author understands that ' ' … does not have that to say in revocation of the differentiated treatment of the civil societies of profession regulamentada' '. Since ' ' … the cities cannot charge of the rendering societies of professional services service occupation tax (' ' ISS' ') incident on the price of servio' ' (CHAGAS, 2011). Still, the example of other diverse cities that intend to charge the ISSQN of these societies on the basis of the price of the services given in the month, the author of the one interesting approach concerning what it praises Law 9,799/2009, that it presented new writing to art. 13 of Law n 8,725/03, the one that if it relates to the ISSQN in one determined Brazilian city, deliberated that … when the services of doctor, nurse, obstetra, ortptico, fonoaudilogo, prosthetic, medical veterinarian, accountant, technician in accounting, agent of the industrial property, lawyer, engineer, architect, city planner, agronomist, dentist, economist and psychologist will be given by society consisting of professionals of the same qualification, the ISSQN due will be demanded monthly in relation each partner of the society, as well as in relation to each professional qualified, used or, that it gives service on behalf of the society, even so not assuming personal responsibility in the terms ofthe applicable law (CHAGAS, 2011).