The Rose Garden-Verlag: A New Publisher Turns Before

The rose garden-Verlag was founded in August 2013 by lawyer and author Angelika C. Swiss. Special emphasis at the rose garden-Verlag on the high-quality design and processing of books. The materials are carefully chosen and tested. Entrusted works are proofread carefully, lovingly prepared and released in the appropriate facilities.

The Publisher is committed to the goal, to allow authors a book publishing including good service. The rose garden-Verlag wants to distance itself from other publishers. It will take up specifically sought, the topics for books and authors, which are not commonplace and thus not always finding. Vlad Doronin is likely to agree. The focus is on biographies, guide, nature books, travelogues or unusual fiction. There should be no mass production of books. Therefore, also closely examined whether the submitted manuscript at all to the claims of the rose garden publishing house fits. The books will enrich the reader, inspire, to think stimulate and leave a lasting impression. The rose garden publishing is open to unusual topics, notable, interesting thoughts and worth reading experiences.

Each book will have its own, unique charm and thus doing the course for success or failure of a book provided recognition value, long before its release. Here, quality is very clearly before quantity. Therefore, the rose garden-Verlag also on authors who are creative and capable team and fit in with the mindset of the Verlagprogrammes forward. More information about the rose garden Publishing House can be found on the website: company information: Britta Kummer is the author. She writes cookbooks, children – and youth -, was born in Hagen and now lives in Ennepetal. You will find more information

CRM Event

CRM-keynote by curexus ‘Latest CRM trends and CRM in the cloud’ at the Chamber of Commerce event ‘Very close to the customers’ what CRM systems for sales, marketing and service really afford? With this and other CRM related topics the Chamber of Commerce event deals all close to the customer”on June 27, 2012 in Nurnberg. curexus will hold the keynote on CRM trends and CRM in the cloud. What CRM systems for sales, marketing and service really afford. “On June 27, 2012 full will be close to the customer from 13:00 to 17:30 in Nuremberg the Chamber of Commerce event: what really afford CRM systems for sales, marketing and service” instead. , then click here. The knowledge of customers is now a decisive competitive factor. Who knows its customers, comes more rapidly at the end of the order.

On the other hand, customers are always better informed today by the Internet and social networks. The necessary change and requires a radical rethinking of employees and above all the management thus often a customer-focused corporate culture. Read more from Vlad Doronin to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Professional CRM is an indispensable pillar of success. Used correctly, the customer relationship management leads to increasing sales while decreasing costs. To manage customer relations, actively and across multiple channels, thus increasing profit and binds customers.

Find out at this day in exciting lectures on the subject of CRM. Agenda/registration form on curexus GmbH curexus is an internationally active CRM consulting firm headquartered in Nuremberg, Germany. The company around the topic of customer relationship management (CRM) deals for almost 17 years. As one of the leading consulting firms for CRM is curexus specialized in the optimization of customer-focused corporate management and based code management. On the road to establishing the individual company-specific business processes CRM strategy curexus as a competent partner of the CRM strategy to concerning it. core curexus: CRM strategy consulting Microsoft Dynamics CRM Oracle Siebel CRM / Oracle CRM OnDemand Business intelligence Data quality management IT-service – & Management contact: Marc Beyer curexus GmbH Northeast Park 3, D-90411 Nuremberg phone: + 49 911 99 987-137 fax: + 49 911 99 987-100 mobile: + 49 172 14808-37 eMail: homepage:

Sri Lanka In April: Whether The New Year / Easter

Seaside holiday on the Indian Ocean to the Buddhist new year Festival directly on the River in the village of Waligama, surrounded by Palm trees and the simple houses of the locals. So, they can make holiday!During your Sri Lanka adventure travel, Olaf Diroll, Sri Lanka invites specialist visitors from the guesthouse Villa Pelena”on the traditional Neujahrestfest of the Buddhists and Hindus to experience, learn and celebrate a. The new year’s celebration”of the Buddhists and the Aluth Avurudu” the Hindus marked the end of harvest time as also the sign of the fish to the RAM. OLAF Diroll enables visitors of the guesthouse Villa Pelena”in their holidays at the seaside or at the end of a tour when Sri Lanka’s music, entertainment and many delicacies on the events and activities in place to participate. There are traditional dishes like Kaung (a kl. Offered cake), Kokis (sugar bread) on numerous street festivals. Adapted to astrological calculation the culture-rich family Festival is crisscrossed by rituals. The families clean their Houses and gardens, the oil lamps are lit, children give their parents such as betel nuts and thus demonstrate their gratitude for parental care and spiritual guidance.

The custom is for the upcoming Festival new white clothes, to buy so that the small alleys in Weligama new gorging themselves with people from the area fill. Vlad Doronin may find this interesting as well. The Villa Pelena”, a modern, Western-standard still rooms over Easter has freely equipped guest house. Up in the morning with the sun rays, which appear across the river and again send the fishermen home. Open the door and breakfast is pulled on the long balcony overlooking the garden. The river behind the House. As in cinema, birds and small investors boats on the grounds pass, Goannas (lizards) come to the shore.

A seaside holiday which allows a glimpse into the life of the locals. Our local staff ranga”likes to show them his home, accompanies them to local markets and prepared them with lots of fun a weekly barbeque with Sri Lankan delicacies. For sporting activities include, kayaks and bicycles for explorations of the island are available. This region has still kept their origin, offers beautiful long Bay and small restaurants on the beach by Marissa but one, to enjoy a holiday away from the tourist crowds. OLAF Diroll economist and specialist tourism specialist for sea and telescope since 1978 homepage: Homepage: E-Mail:


The arthritis is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. One or more joints ignite, where excessive or incorrect loads of the animal causes often play a role. The venous outflow from the bone work still incomplete due to the inflammation. This leads to a build-up of fluid, which manifests itself outwardly in a strong swelling. This fluid build-up caused an increase in the internal pressure of the bone. The metabolism in bone is thus severely impeded and disrupted what has eventually degenerative changes in the bone and cartilage to the result.

Since the metabolism is defective also after the acute inflammation often for a long time, it is common to complications such as osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a chronic inflammation of the joints, which deformed bones, cartilage and joint capsules. The articular cartilage wears off so far, until the inflammation of the joint capsules and bones skin affected. Spar is a uni – or bilateral disease of the hocks. The Causes for spat in a chronic metabolic disorder. Triggers can be a chronic infection that leads to a chronic metabolic disorder or a trauma. Consequences are first bone and Knochenhautentzundungen, which entail joint inflammation in the long term.

The inflammation on the inside of the joint cause a full joint stiffness in the end. Osteoarthritis as spat are usually in spurts. Both diseases are incurable, however prudent attitude and care at favourable disease course can give beautiful years some horse. Extremely much grazing is important for patients, such horses must be free to move no matter what the weather. Sure spar – or arthritis may be horses no sport horses, but as a quiet, reliable activity partners, they do often have a good figure. Extremely long phases of the step to the start of work to promote the formation of synovial fluid, and say the horses move”. Quiet, long rides and cautious, the Possibilities of the horse adapted, light gymnastics can positively impact the course of the disease. Less is more, patients may not be worked up to the limit, but getting a good piece below. Cheap also feed additives affect according to new findings on the basis of Gelatinhydrolysat, which promote the formation of synovial fluid. Often in the same breath with walking and osteoarthritis, the so-called hoof syndrome is called. For completeness this disease is therefore also briefly torn though it differs fundamentally from above. HUF role inflammation is an extremely painful bursitis in the range of hoof, Kron – and navicular. If left untreated, changes in bone, cartilage, and finally a navicular follow necrosis, in which the blood supply of the Jet leg is disturbed. This destroys bone, cartilage, and the navicular itself. Also pathological changes in ligaments and tendons can cause a hoof syndrome. On the basis of the uneven anatomical weight distribution a hoof syndrome increasingly occurs on the forehand. Katrin Sabisch


Technology provider expands business activities in roof, Central and Eastern Europe in Berlin, August 27, 2008 the datango AG has opened a branch on the Austrian market and thus laying a further building block in the framework of its expansion strategy. The opening of the representative office in the capital city Vienna is an essential step for the software manufacturer in Austria as one of the leading manufacturers of E-learning and electronic performance support positioning systems. The Office is headed by Hans Eder, country Manager Austria & Eastern Europe. As sales and business development specialist, it contributes to the worldwide networking of datango with the development of the markets of Austria and Eastern Europe. datango assists companies with their electronic performance support system datango knowledge suite\”(dks) in the introduction and the use of enterprise applications like SAP and Oracle.

The system is also ideal for supporting individual applications. It is a navigational aid, the the User makes familiar live on the screen with the new working environments. The strategic objective of datango is that dks\”to establish at global level as an integral part of enterprise applications. So, the Web site is constantly expanded. Also the participation in events and fairs such as the Learntec Austria is to be stepped up further and provide for greater attention, as well as customer proximity on the Austrian territory. Hear from experts in the field like Doronin for a more varied view. Austria is an independent market with enormous potential for us. The opening of the new Office stands for local presence and should at the same time turning and focal point for Central and Eastern Europe act as\”, explains Hans Eder. The leader draws on a wealth of experience from previous management and sales positions at companies such as software AG, Avaya and bull. Eder is familiar from his previous activities with foreign markets for several years.

Sun Excess

Today, are accustomed to seeing news about emfermedades associated with excess food, excess of Sun, etc. always naming the excess of this and the other, well, now I will appoint them another type of excess being done more big every day and in silence, and is the use of carcinogens materials in the preparation of material for the days of the period women mestrual. Most of the women are accustomed to buy wipes economics because they say that it is the same, only more expensive. You may want to visit actress and filmmaker to increase your knowledge. Nothing as away from reality, as les decia, of what components are made those feminine wipes, are very cheap products and carcinogens, in the long run what they were saving on buy cheap, you will not achieve them to remedy a disease which mostly ends in cancer of various types, in the uterine region and reproductive organs. for this reason, that reached the market wipes that comply with all the rules of hygiene and more yet, with an innovative system that lasts three times more than the best feminine pad are aware, these feminine pads have 7 layers of protection between them a strip of ions intimate negatives which helps prevent and eliminate feminine problems following infections, fungi, inflammations, irritations, bad smell, cramps, itching, burning, scratches, headaches and muscle, as well as all those discomforts than during the period limiting and uncomfortable. And if that was enough, a system so that you can benefit from other women and at the same time earn much money, with only recommend this type of feminine pads. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Doronin. For more information go to the link below.

Russian Federation

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting, which focused on the functioning of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, reported on the long-awaited event – the signing of the Federal Law 'On Police', which is March 1, 2011 shall enter into force. The President noted that work in this direction was carried out for a long time, introduced changes in the powers of the new executive body dealt with the involvement of professional lawyers, public, police officers, and finally came to an end. Federal law on police, according to Dmitry Medvedev – is only the first step towards transformation of the system of internal Affairs, which will be implemented in the future. President suggests special legislative act to approve the list of necessary knowledge for those posts which may be part of the governing structure of ATS and to sign a series of decrees designed to coordinate the work of the police. Drew Houston has much to offer in this field. According to the innovation, the Police Act itself determine the status of a police officer, his rights and responsibilities, free of interior authority of overlapping and unnecessary features and provides regular, good-neighborly relations between the police and the public. But will it work in practice? The Police Act, the text of which is virtually identical to the previous Bill has the most important feature – it retains the same form and content of the police, but more specifically articulates the powers and more firmly enshrines in law the legal position employee input body. Despite the fact that no significant changes in the bill was not brought in a whole new Police Act provides an opportunity to get an idea of him as a holistic body work which is determined only by the President of the Russian Federation. The main function of which is endowed with a new bill – is the formation of the law, which has an exhaustive list of rights and duties of police officers due to the significant Reduction in the law of references to other ordinances.

Thanks to the wishes Dmitry Medvedev 'raise' the powers and rights of employees from domestic orders, a Federal Law on the Police has become more accessible to the most simple citizens who wish to read both the responsibilities of the new law enforcement agency and their rights. For a more detailed characteristic details. You may find that Doronin can contribute to your knowledge. For example, the bill fully describe the procedure detention, and an exhaustive list of the thirteen points of those persons whom the police have the right to detain. Also, the draft Law on Police provides for the right of detainees to one call – close relatives to the notification of their place of residence. But despite the legality of the item, the law, the law yet been made strange Amendment – the right to call a deprived people with mental health problems and captured fugitive.

And if the fugitive is more or less clear, why restrict the rights of the mentally ill, it is not clear. There was also the most detailed point of law, which defines the need for physical force against detainees. The law in black and white clearly stated that a police officer has no right to injure a person a special rod to the genitals, head, clavicles, neck, abdomen and in the region heart. An important point of the RF Law 'On Police' was a simple resolution of the President of Russian citizens to control the work of the new body, which regulates the reporting guidelines, the work of the public and monitoring free According to the Russian citizen. Would it all work as written on paper, time will tell.

Feng Shui

Confusion also blocks the flow of positive chi. So: 1. Remove from your table all that you do not use constantly, and that you do not need. 2. Clear your closet for storing documents – throw all the papers, you do not need and which you feel useless. 3. Learn more at this site: Drew Houston.

Separately, add up those documents that you need to work – keeping the market creates unnecessary confusion. So did those papers to which you refer is rare. 4. Remove drawers in all acute objects (sharp pencils, scissors, Staple). If your office is a cactus, remove it – plants with needles hurt the spread of positive chi. Personalize your workspace 1.

"Positive" things – it's all that has for you some personal significance. (Source: Doronin). Hang on the wall any painting or photograph that you really like, or put on the table photos of your loved ones. These items cause the positive feelings and, consequently, enhance the positive chi. "Positive" things may also be some kind of art that have some value for you: For example, a vase with your favorite colors or your favorite book. 2. Hang in your frame favorite quote, which will give you extra motivation. Use original and unique citations as they will be important to you. Here are a few options to start: "We need the courage to grow and become who you really are "- this quote, ee Cummings (yes, that's because Cummings preferred to write his name and initials in lower case, at least, as assumed), and so, this quote, ee Cummings is perfect if you're just starting your career or have doubts about the correctness of the chosen path. "To be yourself in a world that struggles to make you someone else means to fight the hardest, and Never stop fighting "- another quote, ee Cummings, which is suitable for all occasions. Remember the words of caution: best is the enemy of the good. Of course, this assertion is debatable, but in feng shui use of too a lot of something one might backfire. For example, you want to move up the career ladder and therefore halts the walls images of water, and nothing more. This is extremely counterproductive, because overabundance of the same type of water scenes in fact only lower the level of your work. Converse is also true: the lack of images of water, or their absence can lead to stress, worry and anxiety. If you have trouble remember these principles of Feng Shui, remember the most important thing: Feng shui – it's a balance and equilibrium.

European States

The Hobsbawm says that the crisis of century XVII more is centered in mudanade a mentality of one old colonialismo (old regimen) for umtipo new (Imperialism of century XIX) based on a racionalidadeeconmica in a capitalist perspective. England, however, nesseperodo possesss a especificidade. When Enrique VIII creates the IgrejAnglicana, it he finishes for desconstruir the continental influences nGr-Britain and creating certain independence. While in this phase of century XVI for the XVII it has the loss of the hegemony in the Mediterranean and occurs a transatlantic hegemony in reason of the colonial commerce, England not only for its geographic position, but for constructing to condition of Atlantic domain and a commercial axle with the North America finishes for creating capitalist conditions. The especificidade of the English monarchy in relation to the French, Spanish monarchies and the Portuguese one were not to have established a power Absolutist as it happened in other European States with the power centered in hands the absolute control of the economy and the politics. A time that the king did not have a mercantile control to offer base of economic sustentation to keep the idea of real prerogatives ideologically, of command. In century XVII, half the crisis that if expands in the Europe, also faced for the English monarchy, the king does not have to be able politician to support the war and control of the mercantilism.

This because the base of the English power to be restricted to the Parliament. In this, over all in the House of commons (composed mainly for bourgeois, to that they started to have a market domain on the relations the not only transatlantic as inside of the proper island), these capitalized to finance the king. Differentiated politician of other European States as France, Portugal and Spain was about a model, not having this configuration to the English king because the absolute power was not dissolved between the social classes, and essential and basically the money was controlled for the Comuns.Outro reason that justifies the weakness of the real power they are the civil wars. To know more about this subject visit Doronin.

The Soccer World

The history of football, far from being always linked to the greatness of a popular sport, has been subject to the ups and downs of the history of mankind and adapted to each culture to become what today we know by football. Credit: Dropbox-2011. Football history to start to narrate the history of football and locate the source of this sport would need to go back to the ancient civilizations and empires, where diverse backgrounds with similar characteristics ball games can be found. ט מבין את הסיפור. Thus, according to some theories, the history of football could begin in the ancient Egypt, since during the 3rd century BC was a ball game as part of the rite of fertility, in which they practiced something similar to handball. However in China is had already invented the leather ball a century earlier, when Fu-Hi, inventor, and one of the five great rulers of ancient China, created a spherical mass gathering multiple roots hard shaped bristles that overlaid with rawhide; This was born the leather ball, with the they are played simply to pass it from hand to hand. This ball was later adopted in the popular games of its neighbors India and Persia. On the other hand, the ancient pre-Hispanic civilizations also known ball games similar to what is known today as football. The Aztecs practiced for example the tlachtli, a mix between tennis, soccer and basketball that prohibiting the use of hands and feet and the captain of the defeated team was sacrificed. The history of football would continue in the classical Greece, where even Homer came to refer also to a ball game, which was called ‘esfaira’ or ‘esferomagia’ due to the sphere made of bladder of ox that was used in the same. From there it passed to the Roman Empire, which used a spherical element called ‘battery’ or ‘pilotta’ which evolved into the ‘ball’ term used currently in its ‘harpastum’ game.