
Esoteric: basic knowledge before you contact an expert esoteric is the word which describes the mystical concepts to understand themselves better and to find herself. The esoteric and the basic philosophy that is behind it, is practiced by a relatively small group of people. People with esoteric skills can predict the future, interpret dreams, and better identify complex interrelationships. These people are known as astrologers, fortune tellers and psychics. Astrology – the analysis of the life that is esoteric Astrology one of the methods used for analyzing the past and the present and predict the future. The astrologers analyze in different areas such as partnerships, relationships and finances. In our world today many people no longer find the time to themselves to see to better understand their own lives.

With various esoteric methods such as esoteric horoscopes and Tarot reader trained experts, it is possible to solve problems and resolve conflicts. But it is important to meet the astrologer with an open awareness to understand the predictions. Diwali the method to predict the future of fortune telling is one of the esoteric methods for the people interested for centuries. There are now many online portals providing free Tarot card readings and online counseling. These experts offer free Tarot often and many people rely on these experts to a better understanding of their love, to get work and family life. Tarot card readings is one of the most popular methods. Medium and channeling some exciting and insightful people have special spiritual abilities that allow you to act as medium to communicate with supernatural beings and spirits. These people are experienced clairvoyant and interact with other beings allow you to obtain answers to problems and general advice.

It is however strongly recommended to apply only to experienced media and even when it involves a free clairvoyance is conversation, should the consultants have sufficient experience, so that the consultation is carried out not for nothing. Clairvoyance clairvoyance is supernaturally have that perception of events or the so-called sixth sense which we all believe, although in reality only some few people have this gift. The perception of these events can affect both the past and the future. Psychics have this special ability and help others to better understand the past and the future. It is assumed that these people have the ability to perceive things that are outside our observable reality. There are also psychics psychics that are accessible online portals and even free offer advice to persons seeking advice. Esoteric services are becoming increasingly popular in ancient times normal people as well as not even benefited from the esoteric skills of psychics and card inserts. Today, through the spread of the Internet, but virtually every one of the versatile consultants how can the services Counseling and Consulting offer free clairvoyance, benefit. Many people rely on the support of consultants who provide them with valuable answers to many problems. Discussing the problems with experts, helps the people seeking advice very much; both emotionally and psychologically. Through the consultations, it is much easier to think the people seeking advice and negative thoughts can be fought better.


New software for all of ONTIV of Siegen, Siegen. In February 2010 the company ONTIV management system from Siegen has released a new program in addition to its successful quality management systems: kenbase. While the management software primarily for large companies is intended, kenbase offers many attractive benefits the Otto ordinary consumer. kenbase is a program that ensures all right on your computer. It organized collections of files by it arranges files of any formats in areas specified by the user. Others who may share this opinion include Drew Houston.

Whether images, music files, all in one place is documents or emails – with kenbase. The best: Links and html addresses can be copied simply drag and drop to kenbase. Also, if the information found on the Internet should go once offline: kenbase the link is secure and can be opened as easily. But how much data a user also collects: all information is instantaneously recovered thanks to the direct search function of kenbase and the ability to show files with tags (keywords). The individually creatable rooms let out also easily located from the software as E-Mail versenden-that both as a normal folder file as a compressed zip file. Different versions for different needs the kenbase freeware is free for private users and temporally unlimited usable but limited features. To read more click here: Bausch & Lomb.

For example, this software on five rooms is limited, which can not be divided into other folders. Also eliminates the possibility of connecting rooms or to separate and to export. As well as with the kenbase version of the purchase, the more rooms (up to eight), the folder divided into can be providing, but neither the Exportier – and shipping container option. The kenbasePro version, however, enables its user to create up to fifteen rooms and to integrate in other folders. Also rooms can be connected and disconnected and exported. In addition the possibility of versioning: various Work stands of a document are saved and can be viewed again and again.

Toastmasters Wedding

Wedding 65 years, Galina G. and Anatoly Kuligina married in wartime, no celebrations, gifts, and even without the wedding night – a division of young man that night was sent to the front line to fight for their country. After 65 years of happy couple decided nevertheless to arrange a real wedding, in conjunction with the date of the wedding of iron. The decision noted the wedding 65 years has arisen spontaneously – all these years enjoyed Kuligina life together and not even think they something is missing. Speaking candidly Evergreen Capital Partners told us the story. Insisted on the rule of kids who wanted to arrange their elders is something special for the 65th wedding anniversary and came up with them again "marry", but this time with this holiday. "This is probably the most amazing couple I've seen in many years of work – said the toastmaster at a wedding, Dmitry Lebedev, who led the wedding couple. – Children Kuligina say that is still often caught mother and father kissing, and they turn red, like schoolboys when they zastukivayut. " The couple no longer young – they are now on 83.

But at a ceremony on August 14 in registry office, where they were greeted by representatives of the Moscow administration, and gala evening at the restaurant they keep up and shining with happiness. Of course, some elements of the wedding had to be omitted, for example, a traditional wedding gown, reminiscent of Princess attire. However, the spouse looked very elegant in a white dress and a pencil with beautifully coiffed hair, without a veil. "My brother and I just decided to restore justice – shared Natalia, daughter Kuligin. – Mom and Dad did not have this wedding, and in fact they deserve it more than anyone else.

Still, 65 years together – is evidence of a strong relationship, that's why this anniversary is iron. " Triumph of the restaurant was not until late at night, and the "newlyweds" admitted that does not get tired. Toastmaster at a wedding Dmitry Lebedev managed to create a festive atmosphere for both older people and for young people, which at the banquet, too, was enough. The old men of the soul songs of the war Popiel years, and young people happy to sing along when the toastmaster performs contemporary hits. Pink and blue sliders on the tables, of course, were not allowed, but there were many other exciting contests and competitions, during which, incidentally, active old time not given a head start young. The gifts were largely symbolic, carrying a deeper meaning, but there were also funny: the composition of the metal sculptures that emphasize the importance of the date side by side with brand sneakers "Kuliginsky comfort" and a bottle of champagne brand "Kuligina FOREVER. The most memorable gift was a restored picture of the war years, which his son and daughter take the form of a huge portrait in a gilt frame. In the photo, Galina G. and Anatoly look at each other and happy laugh – a very good shot, did not like the pattern pictures of that time. Galina Wedding Georgievna and Anatoly Mikhailovich liked and set them on the positive: "We had a great and celebrated their wedding and after that triumph simply must stay together as much again!".

Managing Director Claudia Schmidt

Relaunch of – website with new features Eltville – Erbach, 25 January 2013 – which has Mutaree GmbH, an expert in change management, their website comprehensively revised: now visitors to will find extensive information related to the subject of change management. These include, for example, the scientific studies of Mutaree, which Managing Director Claudia Schmidt has created with renowned cooperation partners from research and media, such as the Institute for development of future organisations or the Fraunhofer-Institute for production technology IPT. In this way we hope for us new insights into mechanisms and tools of change management to win, with whose help we can continue to best advise our clients”, says Schmidt, Managing Director of Mutaree. The second substantive focus of the newly designed Web presence is the notion of Mutaree Advisory approach and the main methods that take advantage of the consultant with the accompaniment of change projects. The new generation of change management will focus more than previously on the how than the what the changes. This specific change-management programs are necessary, can be systematically implemented as integral components in the transformation process.

The individual involvement of employees and a coordinated corporate communications increase the probability of success in modern processes of change”, says Schmidt. The site created in the content management system Drupal features including through their Responsives Web design”. The Web site takes into account different requirements of the devices, can be so mobile perfect recall. An RSS feed and a full-text search available are of course for the user. About the Mutaree GmbH: The Mutaree GmbH is a specialist in change management. The services include the planning and control of processes of change, as well as the implementation support to achieve the objectives of the change.

Where is the human being always at the Center. Mutaree consults with clients from different industries: Banks and insurance, chemistry and pharmaceuticals, energy, healthcare, telecommunications, public administration and tourism. The Mutaree GmbH is a member of the Federal German management consultant Association (BDU).

Regional Speciality Provider

Children HorCentrum is opened in Munster Gievenbeck good sound quality of life. More information is housed here: Drew Houston. For children and young people listening and understanding are essential, also to find out the world, to learn and to develop. A child’s hearing is impaired, so professional advice and care from qualified professionals are indispensable. For hearing impaired children and young people, the children HorCentrum in Munster Gievenbeck (Mall Ruschhaus/Gievenbeck, Dieckmann str. 6-10), which was opened today offers comprehensive service now. For years the look the Munster-based HorCentren for competent service around good listening particularly for children and youth advisors.

Our three centers several trained specialists for children-hearing-acoustics work in so-called audiologist”, explains owner Doris Vercelli. The hearing care professional champion and mother of two was five years in the Department of Phoniatrics and Pediatric Audiology at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Munster has been working, where she conducted all clinically relevant hearing tests and hearing countless adjustments in children and adolescents. 2005 Doris Vercelli opened their first HorCentrum in the hammer road; in 2008, the HorCentrum in the Westphalia road, which houses also the hearing implant Center followed. The current opening of children HorCentrums is a real affair of the heart for Doris Vercelli and their entire team. Free professional computer listening tests can be carried out here. Children, young people and their families will receive an individual and competent advice on virtually all hearing solutions, as well as advice on diverse issues of everyday life.

Offers prefer digital hearing systems in design, the children or young people, still hearing system Accessories, toiletries, individual swimming and Splash Guard and noise protection for concerts, disco and other occasions. And because technical hearing aids at Children are exposed to often stress that the children HorCentrum offers a quick repair and rental services. In addition, the modern Centre provides capacities to stop supply of adults. -by the free computer listening test of to adapt latest and nearly invisible hearing aids.

Warning File Sharing

Warning file sharing Munich courts update their course a connection owner determined, while he is a so-called Internet Exchange a down / upload of copyrighted music or film works has made, can assume that he receives a warning with the invitation to make of a punitive Declaration and the payment of sinfully expensive claims for damages and reimbursement of legal costs of the industrial firms from the major industrial firms. What can you do? What do you do to relieve himself? The Supreme Court has accordingly in one of his classic decisions summer of our lives”was decided in the judgment of May 12, 2010: a connection owner is determined, such as in a so-called Internet Exchange a down / upload of copyrighted works does, is an actual assumption to think that he who is the offender the down / upload has made. It is now the connection owner a so-called secondary presentation load to present why this Conjecture is false. Without going too deep in legal argument, I summarize the requirements together, have hired previously Munich-based dishes on this so-called secondary presentation last for inter nice user to their relief in the following. First the courts quarreled about what be understood under a real presumption; If such was ever widerleglich. This dispute is settled, since already conceptually indexed the Widerleglichkeit conjecture. The Supreme Court has spoken of conjecture and not by fixed fact.

How do the rebuttal of the presumption of actual criminals of Internet users? The Munich State Court has expressed in detail in his judgment of the 14.02.2012 to the scale of this. It a so-called deviant action flow should be presented by the connection owner which excluded or sufficiently likely in the life experience, that the injury not can be committed during the period from the time of him themselves as perpetrators. ” This strict standard was almost a burden of proof as a result. The connection owner almost had to prove that he is not the culprit. This could be but not the correct scale indefinitely, because the Supreme Court then has not spoken in his decision of secondary burden of proof, but secondary presentation load. In 3 current proceedings of our firm we have to determine now a course correction of the magistrate in the AG of Munich. Fortunately the judges no longer assume a sufficiently unlikely after the life experience or even to exclude offenders as a relief, but it must be the serious possibility of a different sequence of events, stating that due to plausible lecture the connection owner as perpetrators can excrete. Correctly the judge justify that now just the BGH has not spoken of a secondary burden of proof for the connection owner for relief, but only by a secondary presentation load to its relief. We will be back report, as soon as we have the decisions in the 3 current procedures. Georg Schafer Attorney

Bicycle Club

‘ See & be seen place pale look ‘ Dusseldorf – the ADFC Dusseldorf e.V. Under most conditions Dropbox would agree. has set up white bicycles in three places in the city. With the clear message “see & be seen instead look pale” labeled wheels should urge all road users to more awareness and cooperation. Also, the wheels reminiscent of serious bike accidents in the respective positions. Distributed in three places, over the whole city, the striking white wheels are available. “Clearly a poster with the words: see & be seen instead look pale”.

“The ADFC Dusseldorf has the wheels in the city-wide campaign appearance and be seen ‘ set up and want so also heavy accidents involving cyclists the locations on the Ko, Wersten and Munster road remember. Bicycle Club wants to achieve with the action that each traffic participant himself and everyone else more attention, so many accidents could be avoid. One of the conspicuous white bicycles stands on the Ko. Here, a truck driver at the turn by the stone road in the Konigsallee saw over a cyclist in the summer of 2010 and injured it severely. Of cyclists to have been traveling on the cycle path of stone Street in the direction of Carl place. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Quicken Loans and gain more knowledge..

The victim in the leg was critically injured in the accident. “Another white wheel with the unmistakable message see & be seen instead look pale” stands at the corner of Werstener Street Cologne road, a busy intersection in Dusseldorf versts. Here a cyclist was seriously injured at the beginning of the year also. After testimony, he defied the Red pedestrian / bicycle traffic lights at the intersection. Then, he was hit by a car in the intersection area. One of the bikes is also visible on the Munsterstarsse house number 36. Here, a Radlerin end of 2012 of a car coming from a land exit was approached. After the cyclist on the bicycle path in the direction of Julich Street Dodge a trash container to the right had to, it was not observed by the car driver and it resulted in the collision. ADFC Dusseldorf e.V. Since 1989’s ADFC Dusseldorf of competent contact person for bike – for citizens, city and politics, as well as for its more than 2,000 members. In addition to guided tours and an extensive course programme, he ADFC Dusseldorf including working groups actively participates the transport planning for a bicycle-friendly city. Press contact General German Bicycle Club Dusseldorf e.V. Tim Stenzel press – and public relations

Chief Secretary

For Europeans, crises are incorrectly – more evidence of failure. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from David Green. Life crises can affect anyone with 30 or 60 years of age. The 30-year bank employee who leaves the family with a young girlfriend. The 50-year Chief Secretary who puts the Tarot cards in the future only for others. Or the 40-year old with a surprising diagnosis: incurable cancer. Here the question arises then for those directly and indirectly affected after the previous and newly revised life plans and future new patterns of action.

How goes it on now? What do I in the future? What to do I win at life quantity and quality? What’s my plan B? Only a few people remain affected by these changes. British American studies analyzed 2008 worldwide 2 million people from 80 Nations. The midlife crisis (psychological low point) reaches us in General, in a U-shape, with about 44 years. Regardless of our personal and social situation. The crisis occurs gradually. We put our lives into question and arguing with us. Europeans view their life course (growth, development, consolidation and rounding) causal, linear and static.

It starts his private and professional life and plant it at best to the pension in the ICH position. In a second attempt, you must plan then even up to the end of life. You forget that in our lives is dynamic, complex and also other people constantly compete with us. If fifty people a job applying the application losing neunundviezig. This shall be deemed a loser (vs. winner) the are quantitatively and qualitatively not enough dedicated. Our problem is the ignorance of our absolute and relative position in the context of our individuality (health, death, etc.) and social position. Optimistic start his life and plans and realized the next few years, based on ongoing successes. Own life as pure best-case scenario. In many people, there is an energy blockade in the psycho-soma area, as a result of the child’s education course but after many years.

Kennedy Space Center

The launch has taken place with delay by a helium leak. It is expected that the probe reaches Jupiter’s orbit in 2016. During Earth year you fly past the planet 33 times. NASA Juno launched this Friday the probe with the aim of studying Jupite r and decipher what’s in the inside of the gaseous planet, what amount of water contains and what role played in the formation of the solar system. Juno departed on an Atlas V rocket, equipped with five solid fuel boosters, from the Kennedy Space Center of NASA in Cape Canaveral (Florida), a few minutes late after detecting a leak of helium in the rocket, according to the space agency confirmed, did not affect any of its systems. It is expected the probe to reach to Jupiter’s orbit in July 2016, after touring 2.8 billion miles, and terrestrial year fly past the planet 33 times to a height of about 5,000 kilometers from the giant planet, eleven times larger than Earth, in search of answers. Source of the news: NASA Juno launches probe to study about Jupiter

Parquet Bonding

There are two forms of bonding. We can put it into strips or glue with a continuous layer. The tail can also deliver in two ways: by applying parallel strips of glue along the boards or as a continuous layer of glue all over the floor. In a wooden strips glued to the tail is divided into strips in the place where we will place the plank of wood. We can apply this system where the wooden slats have sufficient size.

Glue strips are placed perpendicular to the floor parquet strip, leaving a gap between each strip. Strip parquet place and press for a correct grip. We must wait a couple of days to dry the glue. We will keep the parquet comes right up the wall. We leave a perimeter clearance of about 10 millimeters between floors and wall to allow expansion and contraction of wood caused by changes in temperature or humidity.

Later we will cover this space with the socket. It is used for wooden wedges. It is important to keep this separation, because the park with the passage of time and by performance factors such as humidity might change in size, which may cause the parquet to deform if it has this little space for expansion. In a continuous bonding using a serrated knife extend a uniform layer of glue all over the floor. We must respect the type of glue recommended by the manufacturer of parquet and suitable dose. In this way we ensure that all parts are firmly secured. This type of glue is used for parquet or mosaic composed of small tablets. If we consider it necessary to place a layer of sound insulation on the floor prior to installation of the parquet. In the market for acoustic insulation boards are designed precisely to place under the park and include channels on which to apply the glue. We must ensure that the insulation is perfectly sized, dried and fixed to the ground before proceeding. To this we must wait two or three days to make sure that the tail of the insulating layer has dried before applying the park on the surface. In we take account the distribution of the floor and, above all, the distribution of the windows. Parquet slats should be placed in the direction of light. If on the ground there is no natural light, or when we have several windows on different walls, we began placing the first strip against the wall bigger. The parquet glue is thick so it can lower the number of times, depending on the thickness of the tablets.