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INTRODUCTIONThe present article is made for teachers wishing to enter higher education. To develop a methodology of work they should focus on the study of the different branches of the pedagogy as a science of education having as object of study the learning process of students. It studies the laws of the direction of the training process, determining the theoretical foundations of teaching content and methods to be applied in the classroom. Studying and applying the instruction and teaching experiences in higher education, providing also the domain of the methods and procedures of teaching and the complex art of the pedagogical influence on the pupil; the focus on the study of the activity of the educator and the learner in correspondence with the characteristics of the educational process. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from actress and filmmaker. On this basis shall be drawn up the theory and methodology of direction and organization to refine the content, methods, procedures and means, becoming vital problems for the progressive movement of society.Brassilia education means the set of influences exerted all of society in the person, so man is educated throughout life, this process being the result of form in men the values linked also to your instruction and training.In a narrow framework education is characterized by work aimed at the objective qualities of the personality as well as modes of conduct training, organized for educators. Each class to teach is one link in a chain, and the changes that occur in the mental activity of the students, as well as those taking place in the formation of beliefs, are not achieved suddenly, but are the result of the continuous work of the educator, is why they have to meet a scientific and methodological criteria systemi.e. they have to form a harmonious whole from the point of view of the objectives, content, methods and organisational measures necessary for teaching, considering the fundamental role the preparation of teacher development classes, and not should be forgotten that each class is nothing more than an item within the complex process of teaching, so it not is should teach a class isolated since it brings as consequence that the learning and training of students is not properly guaranteed.To achieve the target path should see the class as part of a system that is composed of subject, course and the rest of other subjects, and only when class is properly linked with the anterior and the posterior of the same subject and which are developed in other subjects, you can hope to contribute effectively to the development of the traineescontributing to the development of skills and habits, consolidate and enrich knowledge acquired previously, supporting the formation of convictions and establish the necessary foundation for the development of future work.The class is a directed process with defined objectives which are controlled, so that information and feedback is obtained through the exams in class students, serving to rectify the way.The selection of the contents of the classes, their order and structure, is made from the target paths for the subject, but to comply with the objective, content must be assimilated by the student body with the degree of depth that it requires.The methodological structure of classes has a universal character, since they apply to all subjects and school levels, being essential and determining the form of the same organization, being mandatory compliance with the structure of the classes, considering how should be structured the same.Structure methodological Clases.La structuring of class is a complex process and creator, constituting the Summit stage and fundamental of the work of the teacher, therefore the same manifests itself in the preparation, the sense of responsibility and skills, taking basic demands that must meet the class and is of transcendental importance take into account the characteristics of the Group of students that is It works. .

Thomas Mann

” The fundamental element of the lobbying is to secure that a member of the Congress votes by one, by its objective or his causa” , Meek says. ” In order to obtain this, one must convince to that person that it can do it without losing its next election. Thus it is of simple”. In order to do it, sometimes it is necessary to mobilize to the voters of that legislator by means of refined campaigns at popular level and in mass media, so that the public finds out the question and exerts pressure on the legislator so that he votes in favor of the cause that one maintains, adds Meek. To lobby has one ” importance enorme” in the operation of the government, it indicates Thomas Mann, director of governmental studies in the Brooking Institution, organization of political analysis with soothes in Washington.

As the Government expands and the problems become more complex, the members of the Congress and their assistants, crushed of work, must depend more and more on experts of outside obtaining data. This has taken to the development of great companies of lobbying, able not only to make contact with the enemy with the congressmen and their assistants, but also to follow the track to them thousands of regulations, to place announcements, to do that voters send letters and make calls telephone and to obtain that their spokesmen pronounce themselves in mass media or newspapers to way to position positions that could become from great acceptance or popular rejection, depends on the proposed objective. The lobbying companies generally take care of congresionales subjects and of the complexities of the legislation, whereas the companies of relations you publish take care of ” rather the mass media, or publish announcements at popular level that will cause that the public writes to his congresistas” to them; , it says to the lawyer and lobbyist Mary Lyman..

President of the Republic

In case of absolute lack of the President of the Republic, the Vice-president will assume the position until the end of the period. The President of the Republic will be able to trust to the Vice-president special missions or orders and to designate it in any position of the executive branch. The Vice-president no it will be able to assume functions of Minister Delegatario. ARTICLE 203. For want of the Vice-president when it was exerting the Presidency, this one will be assumed by a Minister in the order that establishes the law.

The person who in accordance with this article replaces the President, will belong to her same party or movement and will even exert the Presidency when the Congress, by own right, within the thirty days following to the date in which the presidential vacancy takes place, chooses the Vice-president, who will take possession from the Presidency of the Republic. ARTICLE 204. To be chosen Vice-president the same qualities are required that stop to be President of the Republic. The Vice-president could be reelected for the period following if Integra the same formula of the President in exercise. The Vice-president could be chosen President of the Republic for the following period when the President in exercise does not appear like candidate. (Article Modified by Decree 2310 of 2004) ARTICLE 205. In case of absolute lack of the Vice-president, the Congress it will reunite by own right, or call of the President of the Republic, in order to choose to that there is to replace it for the rest of the period.

They are absolute lack of the Vice-president: its death, its accepted resignation and the permanent physical incapacity recognized by the Congress. CHAPTER IV – OF THE MINISTERS AND DIRECTORS OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS ARTICLE 206. The number, denomination and order of precedence of the ministries and administrative departments will be determined by the law.

Natural Exercise

Something that regularly forgets when we decide to exercise memory. Take water! In addition to being important for the body, is essential for the proper functioning of the brain, then I explain that has great importance. For it! If you were to have a 1 to 2% dehydration lose balance of minerals in the body, and thus greatly affect the functioning of the brain. The memory and the water have previously talked about the importance of exercise as the best exercise for memory. Scientists from the United Kingdom scanning the brains of two youth groups exposed to hour and a half of physical activity, a group with special suits to sweat more and others with nothing. Those who were involved lost nearly 1 kilo of sweat and his brain tissue had been reduced. They came to the conclusion that the water is vital for the proper functioning of the brain. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out actress and filmmaker. But beware, there to stop doing exercise, believing that it will affect us the memory, contrast is very important as ejercicio for the memory thing the only that never, but never be forgotten is staying well hydrated during physical activity.

Alternatives to Natural water! Of course not! Any beverage, as juices, gatorades, etc. make the same function of hydration. Also when eat, the liquid is present in almost everything that we consume every day. Mainly in fruits and vegetables. Recommendation recommendations indicating the experts are:-consume at least two litres of water a day, recalls that it also includes everything that contains liquid, juice, fruits and vegetables etc. – these here you want to improve and develop memory truth? So do not take into account liquids with high content in sugar or stimulants, such as coffee for example. -It is that simple water does not like many people, so you could prepare a delicious fruit juice, as a complement to natural water. -Continuous doing memory exercises recommended in this blog! -If you do any sport the amount of water to the day must be greater, whether in your business most of the time or you’re sitting 2 to 3 litres of water will be sufficient.

Are you ready? My challenge is to take action, if improvements your, we improve all, improves the world over, continues to develop your memory, if you’re a good consumer of water, I congratulate you, if not I challenge you to start at this time, changes not only in your brain really, really in your whole body and your health. It is not a great effort, it’s just a question of changing small habits, and results impact for the rest of your route. Or prefer to continue buying those combos of mc donlads, that you go up a few pounds of more (that matters while the bass) but if you know that all that fat and excessive sugar affects your mind of course would see you something different. It is better to prevent than to spend money in the doctor and medicine. Take a glass with water and health! Thanks Ignacio Monroy dedicated to your creative success of the course: original author and source of the article.


When we suffer from hemorrhoids must know how developed are to take adequate treatment, and specifies its location. According to his State found bleeding hemorrhoids, swollen, thrombosed, and its location are internal and external. Well first of all we must not confuse when we talk about hemorrhoids swollen with hemorrhoids trambosadas, since in both there is an increase in size, but the difference that becomes something very hard since there is an internal clotting of veins, and in the swollen in the trambosadas there is flushing, heat, pain and burning caused by segregated prostaglandins. If you would like to know more about actress and filmmaker, then click here. He is recommended for a good treatment for inflamed hemorrhoids: home treatments: baths of cold seat, and the application of ice covered with soft fabrics help to decrease swelling, although you can soothe much pain, paramount is that hemorrhoids does not continue to grow. Medicinal plants: Chamomile is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory, well we can consume 5 to 10 times a day, and using envelopes can apply them in the wounds. Take sitz bath baking this herb also get excellent results. Other important plant in the treatment for inflamed hemorrhoids is the lapacho, we use its crust through cooking, and with him you can debug all your body.

Other plants effective but no less important are horsetail and alfalfa. Medications: If you don’t have home remedies available to, we can make the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, among them we find to NSAIDs or anti-inflammatory drugs. In this type of medicines must have great care not to take excessive, as a dose adequate help much in our problem, but in high doses causes bleeding in the stomach and intestines, and it is more desirable when they are thrombosed, the best-known find ibuprofen and ketoprofen. Topical glucocorticoids is the other option for inflamed hemorrhoids. In any case, ask your doctor’s trust for a better recipe.

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Hotel Melia Varadero

In the main city of Cuba, there is an element within its urban architecture which undoubtedly distinguishes among its counterparts in the region.Its usefulness proven for more than 50 years and its exceptional brilliance as works engineer, make the tunnel of the Bay one of the most beloved urban characters in Havana. You when you visit our island have opportunity to learn about because it is a road resource inescapable when you want to go as quickly as possible the twenty or so miles that separate the capital city of the area where the best beaches are located and also represents tour almost obliged to transfer to one of the main tourist resorts of the island; the paradise and famous worldwide of Varadero beach. If the final destination of your vacation in Cuba, after a short time enjoying Havana, were the Hotel Melia Varadero or perhaps the Sol Palmeras Hotel of the own blue beach is almost certain that it will have to travel for at least a few minutes through their vials to abandon the City. The submarine route linking the city of Havana with the area east of the city was inaugurated on 31 May 1958 after three years of constructive work and was considered the work of the century in Cuba without discussion. Get more background information with materials from Angelina Jolie. It is cataloged as one of the seven wonders of the Cuban civil engineering and some misunderstandings were included at the time enters the great works of humanity. For the first time a submarine viaduct was built that way and your project and its technology would revolutionize the world of construction. To do so may be dredged 250 000 cubic metres of rock and more than 100 000 of sand. It has an extension of 733 meters and a width of 22 and four lanes are designed to allow the transit of 1 500 vehicles per hour in both directions.


The judge will declare east Friday if dcto in the request of the Cantabrian club does not appreciate any, that is in insolvency situation. The complex situation by which it crosses has forced to make the decision. The Racing of Santander has presented/displayed, first thing of this Thursday, before the Court of the Mercantile number the 1 of Santander request to take refuge in a voluntary contest of creditors, who the judge will declare east Friday if dcto in the request of the Cantabrian club does not appreciate any. According to the Court remembers in a press note Superior of Justice of Cantabria (TSJC), the voluntary contest of creditors offers an exit to those who are in insolvency situation and they cannot confront the payments to his creditors. Credit: actress and filmmaker-2011. This legal figure allows to avoid the multiplicity of judicial processes that the creditors could initiate to demand the debts, and groups to all of them to avoid that they can receive and another no. " The purpose of the competing procedure is that the company can arrive at an agreement with its creditors, so that confronts the payments in terms that it can fulfill and avoid therefore the liquidation of entidad" , it adds of the TSJC.

If the holder of the Court of Mercantile number 1 of Santander notices some dcto in the documentation sent by the Racing of Santander, will ask that he is corrected, but everything is in rule, this Friday will dictate car of declaration of voluntary contest of creditors. In that car, the judge will choose three competing administrators – one of the legal branch, another one of economic and an creditor, and will decide if she suspends to the faculties of administration and disposition of the club or she puts under if them the intervention of the competing Administration. Once published the car in the Government reporter of the State, there will be a month so that the creditors communicate their credits. The Racing announced last night in an official notice that was going to resort to this voluntary contest of creditors " because of the complex existing institutional situation brought about by the shareholder sale realised in the month of January, that has left to the organization with such legal complication that it is impossible to resolve of it forms inmediata" , as well as the blocking position which Ali Syed, top shareholder, put under the club. With him, already they are the 22 equipment that has take refugen in the Competing Law from 2004, when UD Las Palmas was first in abrir the breach. Source of the news: The Racing has presented/displayed before the Court the request of contest of creditors


Heavy grade Styrofoam may have different values of the drag coefficient of diffusion of water vapor, which lie in the range from m = 20 m = 100. When calculating the dew point should be used the most is not beneficial for building construction value. Heat resistance of polystyrene When using polystyrene has virtually no lower limit. Volume compression should be considered in cases when it is necessary for the temperature conditions (eg in the construction of warehouses of refrigerators). When operating at high temperatures the value of the maximum temperature depends on the duration and temperature effects on the mechanical load on the foam.

During short periods of time slabs of polystyrene PSB-S can withstand temperatures of 110 C allowing, for example, intermittent contact with hot bitumen. In cases of permanent the impact of higher temperatures is recommended not to exceed 90 C to avoid deformation and shrinkage. The lower limit of temperature for polystyrene is: -180 C. Comfortable with the strong temperature changes. Fire resistance polystyrene foams are all PSB-S refers to a group of flammable materials and izgotovlevayutsya of materials containing fire retardant – flame retardant, which gives the material property of self-extinguishing and comply with GOST 15588-86. Operating temperature of polystyrene from -200 to +85 C. The heat of combustion of polystyrene is 40 MJ / kg, ie 15 kg/m3 – approximately 600 MJ / kg of 20 kg/m3 – approximately 800 MJ / kg of 25 kg/m3 – approximately 1000 MJ / kg Styrofoam is a fire in an open flame with the release of soot formation and burning of falling drops.