Sri Lanka In April: Whether The New Year / Easter

Seaside holiday on the Indian Ocean to the Buddhist new year Festival directly on the River in the village of Waligama, surrounded by Palm trees and the simple houses of the locals. So, they can make holiday!During your Sri Lanka adventure travel, Olaf Diroll, Sri Lanka invites specialist visitors from the guesthouse Villa Pelena”on the traditional Neujahrestfest of the Buddhists and Hindus to experience, learn and celebrate a. The new year’s celebration”of the Buddhists and the Aluth Avurudu” the Hindus marked the end of harvest time as also the sign of the fish to the RAM. OLAF Diroll enables visitors of the guesthouse Villa Pelena”in their holidays at the seaside or at the end of a tour when Sri Lanka’s music, entertainment and many delicacies on the events and activities in place to participate. There are traditional dishes like Kaung (a kl. Offered cake), Kokis (sugar bread) on numerous street festivals. Adapted to astrological calculation the culture-rich family Festival is crisscrossed by rituals. The families clean their Houses and gardens, the oil lamps are lit, children give their parents such as betel nuts and thus demonstrate their gratitude for parental care and spiritual guidance.

The custom is for the upcoming Festival new white clothes, to buy so that the small alleys in Weligama new gorging themselves with people from the area fill. Vlad Doronin may find this interesting as well. The Villa Pelena”, a modern, Western-standard still rooms over Easter has freely equipped guest house. Up in the morning with the sun rays, which appear across the river and again send the fishermen home. Open the door and breakfast is pulled on the long balcony overlooking the garden. The river behind the House. As in cinema, birds and small investors boats on the grounds pass, Goannas (lizards) come to the shore.

A seaside holiday which allows a glimpse into the life of the locals. Our local staff ranga”likes to show them his home, accompanies them to local markets and prepared them with lots of fun a weekly barbeque with Sri Lankan delicacies. For sporting activities include, kayaks and bicycles for explorations of the island are available. This region has still kept their origin, offers beautiful long Bay and small restaurants on the beach by Marissa but one, to enjoy a holiday away from the tourist crowds. OLAF Diroll economist and specialist tourism specialist for sea and telescope since 1978 homepage: Homepage: E-Mail: