The Rose Garden-Verlag: A New Publisher Turns Before

The rose garden-Verlag was founded in August 2013 by lawyer and author Angelika C. Swiss. Special emphasis at the rose garden-Verlag on the high-quality design and processing of books. The materials are carefully chosen and tested. Entrusted works are proofread carefully, lovingly prepared and released in the appropriate facilities.

The Publisher is committed to the goal, to allow authors a book publishing including good service. The rose garden-Verlag wants to distance itself from other publishers. It will take up specifically sought, the topics for books and authors, which are not commonplace and thus not always finding. Vlad Doronin is likely to agree. The focus is on biographies, guide, nature books, travelogues or unusual fiction. There should be no mass production of books. Therefore, also closely examined whether the submitted manuscript at all to the claims of the rose garden publishing house fits. The books will enrich the reader, inspire, to think stimulate and leave a lasting impression. The rose garden publishing is open to unusual topics, notable, interesting thoughts and worth reading experiences.

Each book will have its own, unique charm and thus doing the course for success or failure of a book provided recognition value, long before its release. Here, quality is very clearly before quantity. Therefore, the rose garden-Verlag also on authors who are creative and capable team and fit in with the mindset of the Verlagprogrammes forward. More information about the rose garden Publishing House can be found on the website: company information: Britta Kummer is the author. She writes cookbooks, children – and youth -, was born in Hagen and now lives in Ennepetal. You will find more information

Chief Editor Sven Rohde

“Second edition of ‘ ZuhauseHaus future-proof building and housing with Viebrockhaus’ released Hamburg, 01.03.2012 – information about new action homes, important home automation trends, exciting reports, interviews, portraits of client and financing tips: intrigued with this harmonious mix magazine ZuhauseHaus” the solid House manufacturer of Viebrockhaus his readers. just publish! responsible for issue planning, editing and design of the magazine three times a year with a circulation of 70,000 copies for builders. The current issue contains 28 pages and is available now in all pattern House parks and consultants by Viebrockhaus. In addition, all customers and prospects receive the magazine by mail. Nothing is more persuasive than the reality. Therefore, real builders come to Word in the ZuhauseHaus magazine.

Future builders should experience firsthand, the construction quality of Viebrockhaus is how high and how smoothly the cooperation”, explains Chief Editor Sven Rohde the substantive concept of the new customer magazine. Building trust with corporate publishing house construction is a matter of trust. And just this confidence building works particularly well with journalistically convincingly prepared client portraits, construction reports and interviews. To get large-format photos, cartoons and a clear, airy layout. Sven Rohde: The sometimes complex subjects can be with corporate publishing more credible and more give than with pure advertising. This concept has convinced also the marketing of Viebrockhaus.” “The name of the magazine is: therefore provides the ZuhauseHaus” in addition to architecture, energy technology and craft in particular the people in the foreground, which in a Viebrockhaus feel at home.

Combination of magazine and Printmarketing the ZuhauseHaus magazine dares the balancing act between informative customer magazine and sales-oriented Printmarketing. Action houses are”central element of each issue, provide a discount or special added value within the campaign period. Each of these houses is full editorial described and presented with architectural drawings, equipment information, floor plans and home tips. Issue 01/2012 are authentic testimonials in the foreground.