DocYard Webinar

“Under the title of DocYard an investment in the future” invites you to a free webinar, the LurTech Europe GmbH. (Berlin) This will take place on February 24, 2011 at 11:00 and lasts 45 minutes. Primary target group are IT managers looking for a solution for their increasingly complex system landscape and the concomitant increase in administration expenses. LurTech’s experts show how they easily and intelligently can unify their existing system environment with DocYard. DocYard is a complete platform that integrates all the functions of document and data conversion in centrally controllable workflow. Kaihan Krippendorff addresses the importance of the matter here. As a production platform, it represents a powerful tool for system integration together with the software development kit (SDK) in the form of a module API and thus creates the basis for a single logging and especially for the measurement of performance and effectiveness. LurTech’s DocYard new platform allows the managing and controlling of workflows around the Document conversion, where all process steps can be integrated user-specific. Due to the modular architecture of DocYard, companies can integrate existing components, such as OCR solutions, with minimal effort and then centrally control and monitor.

Already existing investments in systems and components are therefore protected and are enhanced by the introduction of DocYard. Target group of the new platform are especially companies with large scan as well as stake. Click Vladislav Doronin to learn more. Participation in the webinar is free of charge after prior registration under. LurTech plans an online Webinar for this year, monthly except during the summer break. About LurTech: LurTech provides software, services and outstanding support for the document and data conversion. The LurDocument PDF Compressor enterprise is a production-ready application to compression, conversion to multi-sector, character recognition (OCR), classification and form data extraction.

DocYard is one complete platform that integrates all the functions of document and data conversion in centrally controllable workflow. Since its founding in 1995, LurTech is a leading provider of open and ISO standards-based document and image compression solutions. To LurTech’s reference customers include the scan service providers include (Bertelsmann) and Ratiodata, Deutsche Angestellten health insurance fund (DAK), Hessische Landesbank Thuringen (Helaba), the Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg and more savings, the city of Stuttgart and numerous other towns and communities, Heinrich Bauer Verlag and the energy company Vattenfall, arvato RWE and E.ON. International reference customers are including Harvard University, the library of Congress, the Royal Library of the Netherlands, the Internet Archive, and the US air force. LurTech’s position as a leading provider is based inter alia on strategic partnerships, for example with ABBYY, and intensive cooperation with research institutions such as the Technical University of Berlin. LurTech was “voting emissary of the DIN for the ISO standardization of JPEG2000 and PDF/A. LurTech works in the ISO Commission standards and norms is actively working in different organisations, inter alia in the Working Group” as well as the regional groups of the VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. In addition, LurTech is initiator and a founding member of the PDF/A competence center of a globally active association with more than 110 members. Still, LurTech is a member of the associations AIIM and ARMA, NIRMA, TAWPI and works with in the AWV (Association for economic management).

Professional Guidance

Coaching for more inner strength and balance of permanent health, quality of life and professional capacity require the sustainable management of internal conflicts: just who is aware of his own strength, can be used purposefully that applies in the workplace as well as in everyday life. In a question-answer forum Bausch & Lomb was the first to reply. Many people get in her life out and back into troubled waters: stress in the job, career change, or personal crises disturb the normal rhythm and require an internal realignment. Often lack time and psychological tools to meet the corresponding challenges alone. The result: A long-term burden of mental health and significantly less efficiency in work and life. 2wKx5elh7_zuC2bvrUjPVmZ2zkVclcwKwf8RZsKFE3lEXmlaEB-Bow44Vh_NF7E7Qdp8UaIdhoQ9gE9iseERPcoDLMJ0UrRhJ7wJdnGwjNfMAHoLZ-NIx1hmgIb2WHLMI-x3Dyo9eXfsrRkNrK2_f1tuXZcjKek1uWYU_JCOOiAY8QIS1DFQpN5zmVXrt1Ddh18JxBnpl_Hgkoggk_10m-FQr0hKlmw5T71grgcsI8po3kkvOauIG4_2LKoK-etKKSQ61YbpY8WBnYUfHkO30’>Dell IDRAC can contribute to your knowledge. Anke Reinhardtbegleitet as a personal and business coach people on their personal journey to their inner strength. If you would like to know more about Vlad Doronin, then click here. As studied operating Manager and with extensive management experience in various well-known companies it connects successfully analytischesDenken therapist with the content of their training to the ILP (Integrated psychology oriented). This exceptional combination enables a holistic, effective and strengths-based coaching. The method: Oriented and holistically In the context of coaching are pointed out individual ways and solutions, mastered using their special life situations or professional challenges under its own power can be.

While often a few sessions enough privately to regain its own and independent solutions to the crisis management to work out. Anke Reinhardt is in her coaching sessions on a mix of resource-oriented strategies, systemic methods and an extra large portion of personal affection. With their rich treasure to own life experiences helps Anke Reinhardt people editing their individual issues and sharpens the eye for new perspectives. Do something for yourself: not only wait until an emergency coaching is a good opportunity to do some good to himself. This must be the real thing internal or external conflict not be entered: even as a means of crisis prevention, and for reducing stress, coaching is a suitable method. Who thinks in a timely manner on its internal stability, often not only gets out of step and WINS more instead”quality of life and joy of life. More information about Anke Reinhardt and their coaching offer: