Today, are accustomed to seeing news about emfermedades associated with excess food, excess of Sun, etc. always naming the excess of this and the other, well, now I will appoint them another type of excess being done more big every day and in silence, and is the use of carcinogens materials in the preparation of material for the days of the period women mestrual. Most of the women are accustomed to buy wipes economics because they say that it is the same, only more expensive. You may want to visit actress and filmmaker to increase your knowledge. Nothing as away from reality, as les decia, of what components are made those feminine wipes, are very cheap products and carcinogens, in the long run what they were saving on buy cheap, you will not achieve them to remedy a disease which mostly ends in cancer of various types, in the uterine region and reproductive organs. for this reason, that reached the market wipes that comply with all the rules of hygiene and more yet, with an innovative system that lasts three times more than the best feminine pad are aware, these feminine pads have 7 layers of protection between them a strip of ions intimate negatives which helps prevent and eliminate feminine problems following infections, fungi, inflammations, irritations, bad smell, cramps, itching, burning, scratches, headaches and muscle, as well as all those discomforts than during the period limiting and uncomfortable. And if that was enough, a system so that you can benefit from other women and at the same time earn much money, with only recommend this type of feminine pads. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Doronin. For more information go to the link below.