CRM Event

CRM-keynote by curexus ‘Latest CRM trends and CRM in the cloud’ at the Chamber of Commerce event ‘Very close to the customers’ what CRM systems for sales, marketing and service really afford? With this and other CRM related topics the Chamber of Commerce event deals all close to the customer”on June 27, 2012 in Nurnberg. curexus will hold the keynote on CRM trends and CRM in the cloud. What CRM systems for sales, marketing and service really afford. “On June 27, 2012 full will be close to the customer from 13:00 to 17:30 in Nuremberg the Chamber of Commerce event: what really afford CRM systems for sales, marketing and service” instead. , then click here. The knowledge of customers is now a decisive competitive factor. Who knows its customers, comes more rapidly at the end of the order.

On the other hand, customers are always better informed today by the Internet and social networks. The necessary change and requires a radical rethinking of employees and above all the management thus often a customer-focused corporate culture. Read more from Vlad Doronin to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Professional CRM is an indispensable pillar of success. Used correctly, the customer relationship management leads to increasing sales while decreasing costs. To manage customer relations, actively and across multiple channels, thus increasing profit and binds customers.

Find out at this day in exciting lectures on the subject of CRM. Agenda/registration form on curexus GmbH curexus is an internationally active CRM consulting firm headquartered in Nuremberg, Germany. The company around the topic of customer relationship management (CRM) deals for almost 17 years. As one of the leading consulting firms for CRM is curexus specialized in the optimization of customer-focused corporate management and based code management. On the road to establishing the individual company-specific business processes CRM strategy curexus as a competent partner of the CRM strategy to concerning it. core curexus: CRM strategy consulting Microsoft Dynamics CRM Oracle Siebel CRM / Oracle CRM OnDemand Business intelligence Data quality management IT-service – & Management contact: Marc Beyer curexus GmbH Northeast Park 3, D-90411 Nuremberg phone: + 49 911 99 987-137 fax: + 49 911 99 987-100 mobile: + 49 172 14808-37 eMail: homepage:

Event Security

The use of information technology at the 15.04.2014 in Berlin tells TeleTrusT – security association and IT security requirements have many legal implications for employers and workers. Legislation and case-law follow with the dynamic development of technical difficulty. In practice, pitfalls, knowledge of which helps to avoid problems already in run-up to remain. Among employers and employees is often confusion about mutual rights and obligations. More information is housed here: Drew Houston. The German IT Security Association (TeleTrusT) informed in the framework of an event about current legal issues and practical solutions, arising from the use of IT security technology in the modern world of work. Specialized and experienced IT – attorneys at law from a labour perspective concentrate on selected topics: RA Matthias Hartmann, HC2 lawyers: “Bring your own device & derivatives” RA Prof. Dr. Lambert Grosskopf, firm big head: “Biometrics in the workplace” RA Dr.

Carsten Ulbricht, diem & partner: “social Media in an employment relationship”RA Dr. Jan k. quiver, DFN-CERT:”Legal protection of administrators”RA Karsten Bartels, LL.M, and HK2 lawyers:”Security in cloud services”RA Dr. Axel von dem Bussche, Taylor Wessing:” employee data protection EU data protection regulation according to “(moderation: RA Christian Drews, Governikus KG). The event is aimed at interested, involved with relevant legal issues, to small – and medium-sized enterprises and organizations – especially without its own legal department – as well as employee representatives. Programme and registration see: events/employment / TeleTrusT – Security Association The German IT Security Association (TeleTrusT) is a network of excellence, which includes domestic and foreign members from science, industry and administration, as well as thematically related partner organisations. Through the broad membership and partner organizations, TeleTrusT embodies the greatest competence network for security in Germany and Europe.

TeleTrusT offers forums for experts, organized events or event participation and comments on current questions of security. TeleTrusT is the “TeleTrusT European Bridge CA” (ECWM; PKI-Vertrauensverbund), the expert certificates “TeleTrusT information security professional” (T.I.S.P.) and “TeleTrusT engineer for system security” (T.E.S.S.) as well as the quality mark “IT security made in Germany”. TeleTrusT is a member of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). Headquarters of the Association is Berlin. TeleTrusT Federal IT security association, Dr. Holger Muhlbauer, Managing Director, Chausseestrasse 17, 10115 Berlin Tel.: + 49 30 / 40054310,

Kulinaristen Put

15prozent exhibition discount on handmade organic pasta Speyer, 14.12.2013 – the Kulinaristen go with a bang in the new year 2014 and have used the opportunity, for the first time on the VeggieWorld 2014 in Wiesbaden to exhibit, which is carried out in cooperation with the German Vegetarier Germany e.V. as a carrier in the Rhein-main halls. 2013, the fair reached more than 20,000 visitors and visitors, with around 50 exhibitors. Also 2014, numerous and exciting lectures to vegetarian products, raw food, vegan oriented life style, etc. are expected.

We are very curious on the history of VeggieWorld in Wiesbaden”the Managing Director of Kulinaristen Birgit Roth. For a Start-Up like us, a fair is always also a logistical challenge over three days. To find the Kulinaristen under in the network, developed a new label for high quality food, organic and raw foods. “Who products under the brand name the Kulinaristen ‘ purchases can be sure that they no flavour enhancers, contain no dyes and preservatives and no artificial binders. The online shop is certified according to en-eco-007.

More and more people are interested in a sustainable lifestyle and choose deliberately to deal themselves with their environment and to waive all meat consumption. In politics, too, this issue is gaining importance and is hotly debated. The Green trend is characterised also in demand for exhibit space. Due to the great response last February 8 exhibitors will present at the next fair in addition to the foyer in the entire Hall their vegetarian and vegan products. Especially business founders and young companies that engage in the future of our planet and are doing at the same time continue to pay are among the exhibitors. Also the visitor structure makes it clear that the eco-friendly idea especially with the young people strongly rooted… continue reading contact person for the press: Birgit Roth Bahnhofstrasse 7 67346 Speyer + 49 06232 / 6729711